Silence of the Lambs, MK-Ultra & Jeffrey Epstein
‘The Silence of the Lambs' with its MK-Ultra symbols & connection to Jeffrey Epstein

‘The Silence of the Lambs’ is a 1991 psychological horror film that most of us have watched once, if not twice. It features a cannibalistic serial killer, Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins), pitted against a young FBI agent in training, Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster). Lecter demands that Clarice tell him personal information about her life.
I propose the movie is symbolic of both the CIA’s MK-Ultra program and the Jeffrey Epstein child trafficking ring as, that too, appears to be a secret government program. The film is unsettling to watch because it uses the similar subtle psyops to brainwash you as you watch the brainwashing of Clarice.
The symbolism of the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind control program and two of its sub-programs Monarch and Phoenix, are prevalent throughout the film. In this instance it is the butterflies and related insects which include moths. Throughout history we have seen symbolism embedded in various art forms. Even Michelangelo painted hidden symbols in his work. Academics who have studied the Sistine ceiling discovered, 500 years after the fact, the recurring image of a ram painted eight times across the fresco. They claim it represents a uterus and thus the female anatomy.

Stanley Kubrick’s work such as ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ and ‘The Shining’ are other examples you might be more familiar with.
Scientists using MK-Ultra first traumatize children and people in order to “split” their personality. After enough trauma, an individual disassociates and forms multiple personalities. The goal of the program was to have one of these “altars” become the perfect assassin or perform other nefarious tasks on command, and then forget what they did. In essence, creating the perfect assassin, or the perfect sex slave.
Movies like the ‘Bourne’ series are based on this premise. The character of Jason is a CIA assassin suffering from dissociative amnesia who is trying to remember who he is. Even the name “Bourne” is a play on the word “born”.
Government control of the people was also the subject of George Orwell’s classic book 1984. This is not a new concept and, as I will discuss later in this article, it has very old roots.
There are many formerly classified documents that can be examined via the CIA’s website, although some of the information has been redacted. And, while the CIA claims it no longer performs these heinous experiments, many noted scholars claim it is on-going to present day.
Wikipedia states the following:
“Project MK-Ultra (or MK-Ultra), also called the CIA mind control program, is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central intelligence Agency, some of which were illegal. Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through mind control.”
An off-shoot of the MK-Ultra Program was the Phoenix Program which was the CIA’s controversial “assassination” program during the Vietnam War and used from 1968 to 1972. Scholars that have studied the Phoenix Program have brought to light that the program targeted civilians, not soldiers.
Another sub program is Project Monarch. Cathy O’Brien, the author of ‘Trance Formation of America,’ claims to have been a victim. She alleges she was part of an international child pedophilia ring controlled by the government. During her time as a sex slave, Cathy has consistently stated she was raped by U.S. Presidents Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
A similar pattern is seen in the Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell international child sex trafficking ring. Virginia Giuffre, a well-respected and credible victim, has also named powerful politicians, as well as royalty, during the time she was their sex slave.
The monarch butterfly is a symbol of transformation. When a person is undergoing trauma, they usually experience light-headedness. It is similar to floating or fluttering like a butterfly. In the occult world it is believed that human souls become butterflies during their transition time before being reincarnated.
MK-Ultra and satanism go hand in hand. It has often been alluded to that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell practiced satanism. Maria Farmer, another one of their victims has claimed they did. Additionally, Jeffrey Epstein told Vicky Ward, a former journalist at Vanity Fair, that if she included information about the Farmer sisters in an article, he was going to get a witch doctor to put a curse on her unborn child. Ward was pregnant with twins at the time.
In the film ‘Silence of the Lambs’, the protagonist, Clarice tells Lecter about her upbringing in Virginia with her father (a police officer) who was later shot and killed. She then goes to live with her mother, but is sent away to go live with her uncle because her mother could not afford to keep her. Her uncle owned a sheep and horse farm where Clarice learns one night that the lambs are slaughtered. Horrified and unable to save them she runs away.
Dr. Lecter: They were slaughtering the spring lambs?
Clarice: Yes...! They were screaming.
Dr. Lecter: So, you ran away...
Clarice: No. First, I tried to free them... I opened the gate of their pen - but they wouldn't run. They just stood there, confused. They wouldn't run...
Dr. Lecter: But you could. You did.
Clarice: I took one lamb. And I ran away, as fast as I could...
Dr. Lecter: Where were you going?
Clarice: I don't know. I had no food or water. It was very odd. I thought - if I can even save just one... but he got so heavy. So heavy...
Clarice: I didn't get more than a few miles before the sheriff's car found me. The rancher was so angry he sent me to live at the Lutheran Orphanage in Bozeman. I never saw the ranch again...
Dr. Lecter: But what became of your lamb?
(no response)
Dr. Lecter: Clarice...?
Dr. Lecter: You still wake up sometimes, don't you? Wake up in the dark, with the lambs screaming?
Clarice: Yes.
Dr. Lecter: Do you think if you saved Catherine, you could make them stop...? Do you think, if Catherine lives, you won't wake up in the dark, ever again, to the screaming of the lambs? Do you...?
Clarice: Yes! I don't know...! I don't know.
Catherine is the daughter of U.S. Senator Ruth Martin who is kidnapped and who Clarice is trying to find and save. Buffalo Bill is the kidnapper and serial killer who we learn had a traumatic childhood. In the film, Hannibal Lecter says, “Our Billy wasn’t born a criminal, Clarice. He was made one through years of abuse.”
Bill hunts and murders overweight women. He removes their skin to make himself a “woman suit”. The fact that he selects a politician’s daughter is not happenstance. It too, is symbolic of the government’s ties to the MK-Ultra program.
The title ‘Silence of the Lambs’ implies that by saving Catherine, the innocent girl who is innocent like the lambs, Clarice will no longer be awakened by the howling of the lambs she could not save in her dreams. She can then sleep peacefully having saved a person who was innocent like the lambs.
At the beginning of the film when Clarice is in training running through the woods there are signs on a tree that show the words: “Hurt, Agony, Pain”. These are things that induce trauma and causes a person to become highly susceptible to subconscious manipulation. It foreshadows the path she is on.
The first thing we see on the movie poster after reading the title is the face of Jodie Foster with her mouth covered by a moth. The moth it depicts is real. It’s called the Death’s Head moth which has what looks like a skull on its back. If you look closely at the moth in the poster, however, you’ll see a skull with seven naked women. The skull is actually the famous 1951 photograph ‘In Voluptas Mors’ taken by Philippe Halsman in collaboration with Salvador Dali. It depicts the fusion of “eros” (erotic or sexual love) and Thanatos (death).
When Clarice meets Dr. Chilton, he refers to Hannibal Lecter as their most prized asset. There are others in the underground area who are multiples or alters. As she walks past them, she is triggered and is re-traumatized. Lecter knows all about trauma and control. One begins to wonder during their first encounter who is in control. Is it Clarice or is it Lecter? He is a total predator and she is not even a full agent – only an agent in training. Why would they send essentially an “innocent” to their most dangerous criminal? Is Clarice the lamb? Is she undergoing a mind control experiment? By the end of the film Clarice transforms from an innocent to someone who has murdered another person.
Frederica Bimmel is Buffalo Bill’s first victim and Clarice discovers a chrysalis jammed down her throat. From Lecter’s riddles she is able to deduce that Bill knew his first victim. Clarice goes to Bimmel’s hometown of Belvedere, Ohio and discovers she was a tailor. It was from her that Buffalo Bill got the idea of making himself a skin suit with the skin of his victims. When Clarence is at the house inside Frederica’s mother’s bedroom, we once again see butterflies in the wall paper that surrounds her.
When she is inside Bill’s house, Clarice notices that he has been breeding the Deaths’ Head moth (which is shown in the movie poster) and other prettier butterflies. The moment Bill tucks in his privates and spreads his colorful dressing gown as wings is the visual representation of a butterfly.

The butterfly symbolism is carried out throughout the entire movie. At the end after Clarice shoots and kills Bill, we are shown a wind chime with pictures of butterflies.
It is interesting to note the director, Jonathan Demme, also worked on ‘The Manchurian Candidate’ afterwards. (‘The Manchurian Candidate’ is about soldiers in the Gulf War who are kidnapped and brainwashed to become killers). So, that he had to have been very aware of what he was doing as he made the film. Sending subliminal messages to an audience, as I have stated previously, is not new.
Jodie Foster, it should be noted, wanted to play the role of Clarice from the moment she read the book written by Thomas Harris and published in 1988. Foster’s desire to play Clarice was based on the fact that it was “almost unheard of in cinematic history to have a woman saving other women”.
After World War II, the U.S. Department of Defense helped Nazi scientists and spies who had been involved in mind control and inhumane experiments escape. They secretly brought them into the United States via South America and the Vatican. This is known as Operation Paperclip.
The quest to control the human mind can be traced to ancient civilizations in Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon. The earliest writings such as the ‘Egyptian Book of the Dead’ reference the occult. A list of rituals that describe various forms of torture and intimidation – creating trauma; as well as the use of potions (drugs), and the casting of spells (now known as hypnotism) is the foundation for the MK-Ultra program we know today.
The take-away from the film ‘Silence of the Lambs’ is about the government’s various mind control programs like MK-Ultra. It shows how serial killers are created, and in this writer’s opinion, how someone like Jeffrey Epstein was allowed to traffic children openly. If you are part of a government-controlled program – like I suspect Epstein was – then you’re an “asset” and performing one of the nefarious activities required by one or more government agencies.
After the Jeffrey Epstein child trafficking ring was exposed, it was difficult not to compare it to others that were similar. These include: the Belgium Scandal (known as the Marc Dutroux case), the U.S. Army’s Presidio child abuse case, the Hempstead cover-up, the Finders cult – in the latter when the CIA took over the local police investigation, they declared it was an “internal matter” and no further investigation was permitted. This sounds frighteningly similar to how the Jeffrey Epstein Non-Prosecution Agreement was crafted. It gave him a light slap on the wrist for heinous sexual acts against minors and gave “known and un-known” co-conspirators a get out of jail pass.
Alexander Acosta, U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida and the 27th United States Secretary of Labor was questioned by Donald Trump’s transition team in 2017. In 2007 Acosta had struck the controversial and now much debated non-prosecution agreement with Jeffrey Epstein.
“Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?”
Acosta’s response was jaw-dropping, “I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence and to leave it alone.”
No further questions on the subject of intelligence were asked and Acosta was hired. The fact that he was encouraged to “step down” after Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest in July of 2019 always seemed odd to me. If there was to be transparency, resigning, I believe, would not have been allowed. If, however, the government is conducting a cover-up – then resigning is the move. Getting all connected high government officials out of the way is what is required under this circumstance and it is what was done.
As you watch films, read books, listen to music, or look at art, I encourage you to see if you, too, can find the hidden symbols. These are not arbitrary – they are, like ‘Silence of the Lambs,’ part of a reality that was previously unknown to the public.

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