Spitzer Sex not Victimless: The High Price of Prostitution

Spitzer Sex not Victimless: The High Price of Prostitution

The Eliot Spitzer sex scandal of 2008 brought to the forefront an astonishing fact: prostitution is not a victimless crime. Women involved in prostitution pay a much higher price than all of the money earned in the world’s oldest profession.

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The Lerner Shops | Leslie Wexner | Meshulam Riklis | Timeline

The Lerner Shops | Leslie Wexner | Meshulam Riklis | Timeline

The Lerner Shops owned by Meshulam Riklis and purchased by Leslie Wexner (formerly The Limited, now L Brands) in 1985. A timeline of The Lerner Shops. Wexner’s association with child rapist and trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, has us looking into the details. When Wexner purchased Lerner Shops from Riklis (known as the first ‘Junk-Bond-King | infamous for the leveraged buyout and said to have taught Michael Milken “the ropes”) in 1985 was Epstein involved or was it something else entirely?

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The Origins of Misogyny: How History Held Women Back

The Origins of Misogyny: How History Held Women Back

The one, two, three, four waves of feminism are often considered “new,” “progressive,” or “deviant from history.” But when you look at history, women have been ruling from the start.The one, two, three, four waves of feminism are often considered “new,” “progressive,” or “deviant from history.” But when you look at history, women have been ruling from the start.

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