
Kirby Sommers’ audience includes business owners, independent professionals, home-based business owners, entrepreneurs, Fortune 100 CEOs, actors, podcasters and people from almost every country in the world.


What you get as a Sponsor.

A mention in the Epstein Project Newsletter (with a link to your business, your logo - if desired. An individual’s name is also okay. A sponsor does not have to be connected to a business). The newsletter is sent out every Tuesday.


A mention in the Epstein Project Podcast. Average once every week. Sometimes twice every week. Plus, a permanent ‘THANK YOU’ for sponsors on those episodes in the description area. For the podcast: You may supply a 30-second (or less) copy for Kirby to read, if you wish. This is subject to pre-approval.


Your name or your company name on Kirby’s Sponsor page for as long as you are a sponsor.


Sponsorship Means.

Kirby Sommers is a survivor of human trafficking and sexual slavery. Sponsorship means supporting Kirby Sommers’ work against human trafficking. It means helping her continue to expose predators and predatory behavior within the Jeffrey Epstein case and beyond. There are predators everywhere - even in your local McDonald’s. Kirby believes no one should be afraid of speaking up and outing their abuser. Whether rich and powerful or the predator next door.

To date Kirby has received hundreds of emails thanking her for her work which has helped them. In some cases this means they found the courage to initiate a lawsuit against his or her rapist. In other cases survivors have been inspired to work on their own memoir. And, in other cases survivors have been able to find closure and comfort to begin their healing journey. These letters are incredibly heart-warming and inspire Kirby to keep exposing this hidden reality every day.

Your personal story almost seems like a metaphor for our entire country where you represent our people and your abuser represents the corporate occupiers. Thank you for your honesty and for speaking up.
— Patricia D.