Part II.

Lord Peter Mandelson is a blood relation of both Lord Jacob Rothschild and of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (Lord Rothschild's cousin). This of course means that Lord Mandelson is also related to both men's children
, such as Jacob's son Nat (from whom Mandelson rents a cottage), and Jacob's daughter Hannah (who produced a television documentary about Mandelson).

Jacob Levy Cohen is the name of the common ancestor shared by Lord Mandelson, Lord Jacob Rothschild and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild.

Jacob Levy Cohen had a daughter called Hannah Barent-Cohen who in 1806 wed German banker Nathan Mayer Rothschild. They represent Lord Jacob Rothschild's great-great-great grandparents and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild's great-great grandparents. (Jacob Levy Cohen is Lord Jacob Rothschild's great-great-great-great grandfather and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild's great-great-great grandfather.) Jacob Levy Cohen had a second daughter called Phoebe Cohen who in 1830 wed Nathan Mandelson. Phoebe and Nathan Mandelson represent Lord Peter Mandelson's great-great-grandparents. (Jacob Levy Cohen is Lord Peter Mandelson's great-great-great grandfather.)

  • Lord Mandelson rents a home in the English countryside from Nat Rothschild. Thus Lord Mandelson and Nat Rothschild -- as well as being blood relatives, close friends, and business associates -- are literally neighbours.
    One of Nat's residences in England is Stowell Park, the family estate in Wiltshire. This property adjoins the acre-of-land-and-four-bedroom house which Nat rents out to his close friend, relative and business associate, Lord Peter Mandelson. Both Nat and his father, Lord Jacob Rothschild, are linked to Mandelson socially and through business as well as by blood. Lord Jacob Rothschild also has links to several members of Jeffrey Epstein's alleged circle: including, but not limited to, Dr Henry Kissinger, Charles and Andrea Bronfman, and Edgar Bronfman. See the directory for Jacob Rothschild here.




Lord Peter Mandelson does serve of has served as a director, partner, associate, advisor, fellow, member, or trustee of these UNITED KINGDOM, IRELAND & CHANNEL ISLANDS companies and organizations:

1.    Arts & Business Ltd 'A&B' [hon vice-president]

2.    'A Bazaar Life' [Lord David Alliance's autobiography to which Mandelson and Ivan Fallon contributed]

3.    Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd, aka 'Britain in Europe' (BiE) [launched in 1999]

4.    The British-American Project For a Successor Generation [Mandelson has not been a non-executive director of BAP. He is, however, a Fellow. He joined BAP  as a member in 1988, reportedly. There's also a Delaware US based entity: The British-American Project Inc]

5.    British-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group [treasurer 1997; chair 2004]

6.    The British-Spanish Society's Tertulias Forum

7.    British Youth Council 1976–1980 [a vice-chair/director from 1976; chair from 1978–1980]

8.    ::: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation ["the Gulbenkian Foundation proposed a collaboration with the British Youth Council and invited the Council's then chairman, Peter Mandelson, to undertake a feasability study - Young People and Broadcasting" pub.1981]

9.    Future of Europe Forum at The Centre for British Influence Through Europe [subsequently renamed as 'British Influence'] [Mandelson was also Co-President of British Influence/The Centre for British Influence Through Europe from 2013 alongside Danny Alexander and Kenneth Clarke; in addition, from 2015 Lord Mandelson also sat on The Advisory/Campaign Council of British Influence

10.                       The Centre for European Reform 'CER'  [N.B. Mandelson is not listed on CER's board; nevertheless, Mandelson has been closely associated with this think-tank as an extremely frequent featured speaker. For example, he is known to have spoken at CER events in March 2002; June 2002; Oct 2002; June 2005; May 2008; January 2010; May 2012; June 2014 [report launch - see below]; June 2015; October 2016; and November 2017. Moreover, Mandelson was "among those who [helped] the new body to birth"]

11.                       ::: Commission on the UK and the EU Single Market at the Centre for European Reform 'CER' [Mandelson was a Commissioner. The Commission produced reports in June 2014 and April 2016]

12.                       Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) [Mandelson was a "full member" from some point prior to Oct 1 1995 until some point prior to September 1999, according to newspaper reports. He resigned his RIIA membership after he was prevented from joining its governing Council. All individuals included in this directory were members of RIIA in this particular time period]

13.                       Advisory board of Clemmow Hornby Inge ('CHI') [Mandelson also has a shareholding

14.                       Club of Three [member] [Mandelson attended the Club of Three meeting in Austria Nov. 23-24 2001; he attended the Club of Three meeting in Washington DC February 27-28 2004]

15.                       ::: AMEURUS The America-Europe-Russia Trilateral Initiative [participant] [conferences under the AMEURUS banner were convened by the Club of Three and the EastWest Institute. One or more AMEURUS conference(s) were held in Washington, DC in 2003; another was held in DC on Feb 27/28 2004; potential other AMEURUS meeting dates unknown]

16.                       The Design Museum [chair 2017-]

17.                       Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft a/k/a The German-British Society, and its annual Königswinter Conference [Mandelson is known to have attended the Königswinter Conferences in 2000 and 2003. Curiously, he also received, and accepted, an invitation to attend in 1983 while serving as a member of Lambeth Borough Council. Mandelson's attendance in other years is unverified. The Society was previously called the Deutsch-Englische Gesellschaft. A UK company called "Konigswinter" was established in 2003]

18.                       The Ditchley Foundation [There's also a New York based entity: The American Ditchley Foundation Inc, & an Ontario entity: The Canadian Ditchley Foundation]

19.                       The Economist [regular speaker and participant, including at Economist conferences held in Mar. 8 1999; Mar. 5-6 2001; Sept. 24 2001; Nov. 18 2002]

20.                       English National Ballet [Mandelson was a non-executive from July 1995-June 1997 during which period the ENB's honorary patron was Diana, Princess of Wales. The princess was killed in August 1997

21.                       Fabian Society [National Exec C'ttee 1989-1990; subsequently a member]

22.                       The Franco-British Colloque [known to have attended 1999; 2001; 2004; 2010]

23.                       Friends of Arundells [Supporter]

24.                       ::: Friends of Arundells supports The Sir Edward Heath Charitable Foundation [Lord Peter Mandelson is not a trustee of the Sir Edward Heath Charitable Foundation; nevertheless he supports and is closely affiliated to it via Friends of Arundells

25.                       :::::: Sir Edward Heath International Lecture Oct 2016 [attendee]

26.                       German British Forum [chairman 1999-; president 2016-] [N.B. German British Forum is the trading name of the German British Roundtable]

27.                       Global Counsel Ltd/Llp [chair; partner]

28.                       Global Counsel Consulting Ltd/Llp

29.                       Global Counsel Ventures Ltd

30.                       Global Ports Holding Plc

31.                       Great Britain China Centre GBCC [hon president 2015-]

32.                       Hartlepool Community Partnership [chair]

33.                       Hartlepool United Football Club [hon president, circa 1992-October 2015]

34.                       Hartwell House 'Third Way' conference June 8–11 2002 

35.                       Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery, Kensington Gardens July 2003 [Lynn de Rothschild hosted]

36.                       International Advisory Board of the Independent Media Group

37.                       International Advisory Board of Independent News and Media Plc

38.                       Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [joint vice-chair] [The Parliamentary Committee Against Anti-Semitism was set up in the UK parliament as a constituent member of the Inter-Party Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism - founder and president, Greville Janner. Janner said the Council, established in Nov. 1990, "was born in conversations with Edgar Bronfman and with Israel Singer". Admin support was provided by Holocaust Educational Trust]

39.                       Speech to the Israel, Britain and Commonwealth Association November 11-13 2001 [as registered by Mandelson. A list of members of IBCA's Honorary and Executive Committees is viewable here]

40.                       Labour Friends of Israel 'LFI' [Speaker and attendee at LFI meetings. Mandelson gave the keynote speech to the LFI meeting of Dec 5 2000. He attended the FOI reception at Labour Party Conference on Sept 30 2003. He took part in the Jewish Labour Movement's virtual conference, held in partnership with LFI, on Nov 29 2020.]

41.                       The elected Council of the London borough of Lambeth Dec 6 1979–1982 ('Lambeth Council') [Mandelson represented Stockwell ward alongside fellow Labour council members Patrick Mitchell and Paul Ormerod. Data from 1978 here & 1982 here]

42.                       Lambton Place Health Club [reportedly a Member as of 1998]

43.                       Lazard Ltd and Lazard International [senior advisor to Lazard. Lazard Int'l chair]

44.                       'Weekend World' at London Weekend Television [researcher & later producer at LWT 1982-85]

45.                       Manchester Metropolitan University [chancellor]

46.                       ::: MetroPolis [the Patron; previously the Convenor] [think-tank at Manchester Metropolitan University]

47.                       'Mandelson: The Real PM?' [tv documentary]

48.                       The board of the Full Stop Appeal of the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) [a vice-chairman 1999-2007. Nb This was also sometimes referred to as the National Appeal Board. In March 2009 Mandelson identified himself as an NSPCC Patron]

49.                       New Millennium Experience Company Ltd

50.                       NS Publishing 1991 Ltd

51.                       Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000 [associate director]

52.                       Open Britain Ltd

53.                       ::: Britain Stronger in Europe [the forerunner of Open Britain Ltd. Britain Stronger in Europe was officially called The In Campaign Ltd - formerly Interim Campaign Ltd]

54.                       :::::: PV Campaign Ltd [Lord Peter Mandelson has not been a non-executive director of PV Campaign Ltd, however, its directors are included in this database because PV Campaign Ltd "controls Open Britain Ltd"]

55.                       Oxford University Labour Club [circa 1973-1976. Served on the executive]

56.                       Parliamentary Friends of Music group [secretary] [an all-party group]

57.                       Policy Network and Communications Ltd [d/b/a 'Policy Network'] [president; non-executive chair]

58.                       Progress Ltd [patron] and member of Progress' strategy board [Progress later became Progressive Britain]

59.                       ::: Progressive Britain Ltd [In 2021 Policy Network merged with Progress (Progress Ltd), resulting in Progress Ltd being renamed as Progressive Britain Ltd. Lord Peter Mandelson is not listed as a non-executive director of Progressive Britain Ltd; nonetheless he is affiliated with it – not least through the mother of his godson and very close friend, Catherine 'Kay' Carberry]

60.                       :::::: Labour to Win Ltd [Progressive Britain Ltd collaborates with Labour First in the umbrella group Labour to Win Ltd. Lord Peter Mandelson is not listed as a non-executive director of Labour to Win Ltd; nonetheless he is affiliated with it]

61.                       Prince Charles & Camilla's March 1998 VIP weekend party at Sandringham [attendee]

62.                       Prince Charles' 50th birthday party at Spencer House/Chopin recital Nov. 1998 [attendee]

63.                       Privy Council of the United Kingdom

64.                       ::: Board of Trade

65.                       Steering Group of the Royal Academy of Engineering [Mandelson reported this position in 2001/02. RAEng's Council & Standing Committees for the applicable period are viewable here]

66.                       Royal Central School of Speech and Drama [president 2001-2008; the tenures of all directors listed herein coincide or overlap with Mandelson's period of tenure. "Early in 2005, under the Chairmanship of Nickolas Grace, the Alumni Committee...worked hard to secure the Old Vic as the venue for the main Centenary event". Were any of the drama students abused at the Old Vic Theatre -- or any of the individuals who carried out or facilitated abuse -- also linked to Royal Central School?]

67.                       Advisory Board of Sapinda Group [2015-September 2016] [In 2019 Sapinda Group was rebranded Tennor ('Tennor Holding BV UK')]

68.                       Soho House club [reportedly a Member as of 1998]

69.                       SRU Group [the Strategic Research Unit. "Industrial Consultant to SRU from 1990–1992"]

70.                       Tees Valley Regeneration Ltd

71.                       The&Partners London Ltd

72.                       Economics Department at the Trades Union Congress (TUC) ["member of the economics dept. 1977–1978"]

73.                       UK Business Council for Sustainable Energy 'UKBCSE' [the patron 2003-]

74.                       UK-Italian Pontignano [attendee at the conferences, including Sept 1998

75.                       United Kingdom - Japan 21st Century Group [co-chair]

76.                       The Nov. 2000 wedding of Lynn & Evelyn de Rothschild [guest/'witness'. Attended with fellow 'witness' Prince Andrew]

77.                       Whitechapel Gallery [trustee 1994-]

78.                       Willbury Ltd

79.                       18-21 Wilmington Square Management Ltd

80.                       The governing body of Youthaid

does serve or has served as a director, partner, associate, advisor, member, or trustee of these INTERNATIONAL companies and organizations:

1.    Advisory board of the Agency for the Modernisation of Ukraine [Lord Mandelson insisted to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards that he has not "worked" for AMU, so it is possible that he did not take up the 'official' post despite the press reports. However, Mandelson does not appear to have denied providing AMU with 'unpaid' advice.]

2.    AM Conseil [advisor from Nov. 2002-Sept. 2004. AM Conseil earned around £5.5 million annually, it was reported. This was despite employing just its owner, Alain Minc, two assistants, and a chauffeur. Minc himself took home several million each year. Much of what Mandelson did for Minc is unknown - as indeed is how much he was paid for doing it - but see the timeline below.]

3.    Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) [an Advisor through Global Counsel from 2011]

4.    Aspen Institute USA [regular Aspen USA attendee. Including US meetings in 1993-94 "the global transatlantic young leaders' program"; and, in August 1999, the "summer workshop"]

5.    International Advisory Board of Aspen Institute Central Europe [from 2012 onward. Note: the 'Aspen Institute Central Europe' is also known as the 'Aspen Institute Prague']

6.    ::: 'New Nuclear Challenge Forum' of Aspen Institute Central Europe

7.    Bilderberg Meetings  [1999, 2008, '09, '11, '12, '13, '14 The Independent reported that Mandelson also participated in the 2010 meeting according to a Spanish media report; Mandelson's attendance in 2010 is, however, unverified]

8.    Advisory board of BlueVoyant LLC [European chair] [launched in early 2017 as BlueteamGlobal, the company was renamed as BlueVoyant in December of that year]

9.    Boao Forum for Asia 2014 [delegate]

10.                       April 1999 visit to the Butrint Foundation - Corfu and Albania

11.                       Cliveden Group [consultant, hired in c. 2001/02; as reported by the Sunday Telegraph but denied by Mandelson]

12.                       The Alfred Herrhausen Society for International Dialogue of Deutsche Bank

13.                       International Advisory Council of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)  [member 1993-]

14.                       Green Rubber Global Ltd - Malaysia

15.                       International Bertelsmann Forum 2004 - [participant] [Mandelson took part in the forum in Berlin in January 2004]

16.                       Medley Global Advisors ('MGA') - USA [consultant, from c.1999 to 2002; as reported by the Sunday Telegraph but denied by Mandelson]

17.                       Moon Active Ltd - Tel Aviv, Israel [shareholder only] [founded in 2011, describes itself as 'a game development company focused on iOS, Android and Facebook games'. Founder Samuel Albin is the son of 'prominent Israeli businesspeople Galia and Mickey Albin'

18.                       R Avila Empreendimentos Imobiliarios Sociedade Simples Limitada - Brazil

19.                       Sistema ('AFK Sistema PAO') - Russia [a non-executive director] [from June 2013-June 2017. After Mandelson ceased to be a non-exec director of Sistema in 2017 he continued to own shares in it through 2020. Sistema has been the majority shareholder in RTI, a defence technology firm that won state contracts to build Russia's missile early warning system]

20.                       TerraMar Project Inc ['founding citizen']

21.                       Trilateral Commission [member of the European Group]

22.                       UN Eminent Persons Group [member]

23.                       World Economic Forum, Davos 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2012; 2013 [N.B. Mandelson wasn't on the official delegate list in 2013 but was spotted by The Times]; 2015; 2016

24.                       ::: WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow 2000 list  ["The Global Leaders for Tomorrow meet ... on the occasion of the Annual Meeting in Davos..."]

25.                       World Festival of Youth and Students 1978 - Cuba [deputy leader of the delegation. Represented the British Youth Council]



In some cases (for example, when the number of individuals might otherwise run into hundreds), only those directors, board members, trustees, council members (etc) whom we believe to have served contemporaneously with Peter Mandelson are listed.

So, for example, if Mandelson was on the board of Company Z from 2000–2005, the individuals listed might be exclusively those who were at Company Z on the same board at some point during the same period that Mandelson served (i.e. in this case, 2000–2005).

In some cases, when it has been possible to include board members whose period of service preceded or came after that of Mandelson, we have included those individuals, too, for informational purposes.

So, before drawing a conclusion about whether a given individual served at an organization at the same time as Peter Mandelson, you will need to verify the applicable dates of tenure to confirm whether (or not) they do indeed coincide / overlap.

Other points:

- To reiterate: What follows is not a directory of people who have worked for Peter Mandelson on an employee-employer basis at one of his companies, but rather a directory of men and women who served on the same corporate or NGO Board(s) of Directors, Trustees, or similar as Mandelson.

- If you notice from searching these listings that a certain individual is associated with Peter Mandelson, make sure to look at listings for all of the Rothschilds as well. Because it may well be the case that the individual in question is associated not only with Mandelson, but also with one or more Rothschilds.

- Certain countries only reveal the names of company directors upon application and payment of a significant fee. Moreover, the composition of boards can frequently change.

 As such, we cannot guarantee that no associates of Peter Mandelson will be missing from this directory.

If you discover that a name is missing, be assured that this is unintentional.

* Notwithstanding Peter Mandelson served on the Board of the NSPCC's Full Stop Appeal, he did NOT (to our knowledge) serve on the NSPCC's Stop Organised Abuse board.

Despite Mandelson not sitting on the NSPCC's Stop Organised Abuse, the members of this particular Board have been included in the directory anyway. Why? Because many have additional, other, connections to Mandelson and/or organized abuse.

- It has not been possible to include the names of all participants attending the annual Bilderberg and World Economic Forum (Davos) meetings from all of the years that Peter Mandelson is known to have attended. We have exercised judgment, including all those names we deem most likely to have shared substantive common business relationships, political relationships, and/or personal dealings with Mandelson.


Associations of possible particular interest:

We were particularly perturbed by the appearance of the names below. But they are not the only names of interest by any means. Further details in the listings that begin on page 2.

Peter Benjamin Mandelson has been associated with the following individuals (N.B. The groups intersect, and some individuals fall into more than one group):

Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell (core) groupers:

Jeffrey Epstein
Ghislaine Maxwell & Scott Borgerson
Christine Maxwell
Lady Lynn Forester/de Rothschild & Sir Evelyn de Rothschild
Anshu Jain

Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell (wider) groupers:

Linda Wachner
Shaun Woodward & Camilla Sainsbury
George Duffield, the son of Dame Vivien Duffield
Bill Clinton
Bill Richardson
Tom Ford
Dr Larry Summers
Dr Arlo Brady
Gerald Ronson
Johan Eliasch
Jemma Kidd
Sir David Tang
Nick & Hettie Mason
Prince Andrew & Sarah Ferguson
Catherine Vaughan-Edwards

Ghislaine Maxwell/Jeffrey Epstein (de Rothschilds & Rothschilds) groupers:

Lady Lynn Forester/de Rothschild & Sir Evelyn de Rothschild
David Mayer de Rothschild
Lord Jacob Rothschild
Nat Rothschild
Hannah Rothschild

Wider Rothschild fraternity groupers:

Sir Mark Weinberg
Alfonso Cortina
Andrew Knight
Dr Henry Kissinger
Dr Nathan Myhrvold
Bill Gates
Bill & Hillary Clinton
Kevin Spacey
Sir Elton John
Matthew Freud
George Osborne
Dr Wolfgang Nowack
Lord George Weidenfeld
Dame Shirley Porter
Sarah Ferguson & Prince Andrew

Bill Gates' Microsoft groupers:

Paul Allen 
David Svendsen
Dr Nathan Myhrvold

Jeffrey Epstein's Deutsche Bank groupers:

Lady Lynn Forester/de Rothschild
Dr Wolfgang Nowack
Wolfgang Ischinger
Anshu Jain
Prof Dr Roland Berger
Hilmar Kopper

Jeffrey Epstein (Maxwell) groupers:

Ghislaine Maxwell
Yuri Maxwell Malina
Christine Maxwell
Kevin Maxwell & Lucy Clive

Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell's friends and 'black book' entries NSPCC groupers:

Prince Andrew
Dame Vivien Duffield
George Duffield
Shaun Woodward & Camilla Sainsbury
David Svendsen
Matthew Freud & Elisabeth Murdoch
Lady Joan Templeman Branson & Sir Richard Branson
Lord Michael Grade
Sir Anthony & Carol Bamford
Bill & Hillary Clinton
Flavio Briatore
Naomi Campbell
Tom Ford
Sir David Frost
Gerald Ronson
Mariella Frostrup
Elisabeth Hurley & Hugh Grant
Jemma Kidd
Nick Mason
Johan Eliasch
Arpad Busson
Elizabeth Saltzman
Sir David Frost
Lady Gillian Shephard
Lord William Hague
Sir Cliff Richard
Sir Elton John
Sir Rodney Walker

Ghislaine Maxwell's TerraMar groupers:

Nick Mason, TerraMar 'founding citizen':  was also a Vice-Chair of NSPCC Full Stop campaign alongside Peter Mandelson, who was likewise a Vice-Chair

Arlo Brady, TerraMar 'founding citizen': his business partner, Matthew Freud, was a Vice-Chair of NSPCC Full Stop campaign alongside Peter Mandelson, who was likewise a Vice-Chair

George Duffield, TerraMar 'founding citizen': his mother, Dame Vivien Duffield, was a Vice-Chair of NSPCC Full Stop campaign alongside Peter Mandelson, who was likewise a Vice-Chair

Johan Eliasch, TerraMar 'founding citizen': was a prominent supporter of NSPCC Full Stop campaign of which Peter Mandelson was a Vice-Chair

Jemma Kidd, TerraMar 'founding citizen': was one of the celebrity faces/models of NSPCC Full Stop campaign of which Peter Mandelson was a Vice-Chair

Richard Branson, TerraMar 'supporting citizen': his wife, Joan Templeman Branson, was a Vice-Chair of NSPCC Full Stop campaign alongside Peter Mandelson, who was likewise a Vice-Chair *

Richard Attias, TerraMar 'founding citizen': his company, Richard Attias & Associates, shares its London headquarters with Peter Mandelson's firm, Global Counsel

David de Rothschild, TerraMar 'founding citizen': his father Evelyn and stepmother, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, have enjoyed with Peter Mandelson a vast array of shared business-political-personal interests. These have included (list not exhaustive): Policy Network -- Alfred Herrhausen Society of Deutsche Bank -- AMEURUS initiative of the Club of Three -- The Economist and -- Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000

*Peter Mandelson's very close friend Howell James owns a hotel with Richard Branson's sister Vanessa;
Mandelson's significant other and Howell James previously were in a relationship.

Lambeth/Lambeth Borough Council groupers:

Lord Paul Boateng
Cllr/Lady Janet Boateng
Michael John Carroll & June Mellor (Carroll)
Leslie 'Les' Paul

Sir Jimmy Savile groupers:

Dame Esther Rantzen
Lord Michael Grade
Princess Alexandra
Sir Rodney Walker

Sir Edward Heath/Bottomleys groupers:

Sir Edward Heath
Peter Batey
Dr Henry Kissinger
Lady Virginia Bottomley
Sir Peter Bottomley
Keith Vaz
Lord Kenneth Clarke
George Osborne

Lord Greville Janner groupers:

Lord Greville Janner
Sir Malcolm Rifkind
Sarah Ferguson & Prince Andrew
George Thomas, Lord Tonypandy
Lord Jacob Rothschild
Lord George Weidenfeld

Geoffrey Robinson - key business partner of the late Robert Maxwell

Further notes:

  • Lord Mandelson is a blood relation of both Lord Jacob Rothschild and of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (Lord Rothschild's cousin). This of course means that Lord Mandelson is also related to both men's children, such as Jacob's son Nat (from whom Mandelson rents a cottage), and Jacob's daughter Hannah (who produced a television documentary about Mandelson).
    Jacob Levy Cohen is the name of the common ancestor shared by Lord Mandelson, Lord Jacob Rothschild and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild.
    Jacob Levy Cohen had a daughter called Hannah Barent-Cohen who in 1806 wed German banker Nathan Mayer Rothschild. They represent Lord Jacob Rothschild's great-great-great grandparents and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild's great-great grandparents. (Jacob Levy Cohen is Lord Jacob Rothschild's great-great-great-great grandfather and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild's great-great-great grandfather.) Jacob Levy Cohen had a second daughter called Phoebe Cohen who in 1830 wed Nathan Mandelson. Phoebe and Nathan Mandelson represent Lord Peter Mandelson's great-great-grandparents. (Jacob Levy Cohen is Lord Peter Mandelson's great-great-great grandfather.)

  • Lord Mandelson rents a home in the English countryside from Nat Rothschild. Thus Lord Mandelson and Nat Rothschild -- as well as being blood relatives, close friends, and business associates -- are literally neighbours.
    One of Nat's residences in England is Stowell Park, the family estate in Wiltshire. This property adjoins the acre-of-land-and-four-bedroom house which Nat rents out to his close friend, relative and business associate, Lord Peter Mandelson. Both Nat and his father, Lord Jacob Rothschild, are linked to Mandelson socially and through business as well as by blood. Lord Jacob Rothschild also has links to several members of Jeffrey Epstein's alleged circle: including, but not limited to, Dr Henry Kissinger, Charles and Andrea Bronfman, and Edgar Bronfman. See the directory for Jacob Rothschild here.



(1) Mandelson called his close friend Jeffrey Epstein in the Palm Beach County Stockade (jail) where the sex offender was an inmate at the time. That the inmate was serving an eighteen-month sentence for child sex offences cannot have escaped his astute close friend's attention

(2) Mandelson was a featured 'founding citizen' of Ghislaine Maxwell's fake charity slush fund for victims of the sex trafficking, pedophilia and sexual blackmail enterprise that she ran in conjunction with Jeffrey Epstein. The TerraMar Project website recorded the fact [here], and Mandelson's public endorsement of his close friend Maxwell's mysterious do-nothing 'charity'

(3) Mandelson joined his close friend Jeffrey Epstein in Saint Barthélemy for a luxury shopping excursion

(4) Mandelson expertly  persuaded his 'new best friend' the Duke of York to take on the two seminal roles that put Andrew directly in the sphere of influence of: First, an extensive array of professional and social contacts of Ghislaine Maxwell with respect to the NSPCC 'Full Stop' campaign. Second, Jeffrey Epstein, with respect to the UK trade envoy role

(5) Mandelson accompanied Prince Andrew to the wedding of Jeffrey Epstein's close friend and alleged enabler, Lynn Forester/de Rothschild, at which the two men enjoyed 'top billing' as Witnesses of the ceremony. It was Lynn Forester/de Rothschild who reportedly sold Jeffrey Epstein, at a staggeringly large discount, the Manhattan townhouse in which the career sex trafficker installed Ghislaine Maxwell. Lynn Forester/de Rothschild moreover accompanied Epstein for multiple flights on his private jet

(6) Mandelson's name arose in conjunction with UK police national pedophilia investigation Operation Ore

(7) Mandelson lobbied British prime minister Tony Blair to grant a peerage to serial pedophile Greville Janner, despite Janner having been subject to a 1991 police investigation concerning multiple alleged child sex offences

(8) Mandelson served as a Councillor on Lambeth Borough Council during the notorious period when children in Lambeth's care were being sexually abused 'on an industrial scale'. There were alleged links to a number of Mandelson's Labour party and future NSPCC 'Full Stop' campaign colleagues

(9) Mandelson served with his close friends Kevin Spacey and Lady Lynn de Rothschild at the Old Vic theatre, becoming an Associate Director during the period when the Hollywood star was allegedly assaulting scores of young actors. During Mandelson's Old Vic tenure his close friends Spacey and de Rothschild served on the board of the Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000

(10) Mandelson and Lynn Forester/de Rothshcild served side-by-side on the board of the Alfred Herrhausen Society of Deutsche Bank with Deutsche Bank executive Anshu Jain from 2013. In 2013, ignoring the repeated red flags, Deutsche Bank executives approved Jeffrey Epstein as a client and then kept working with him. Subsequently, Jain "was forced to step down from the top job at Deutsche Bank after a series of regulatory mishaps"

(11) Mandelson is identified in the published clinical case notes of the Surrey-based psychiatrist Dr Joan Coleman in connection with alleged sexual torture and homicide. In the words of clinical psychologist Rainer Kurz, PhD: "The late psychiatrist Dr Joan Coleman reported in 2011 about her work with 80+ survivors ... The research supports the testimony of many survivors. It strongly suggests that further investigation and media attention are required.(pdf)

  • The published clinical therapy notes of the late Surrey, United Kingdom based psychiatrist, Dr Joan Coleman. "For a name to be placed on [this] list it had to be identified by at least 2 eyewitnesses who independently corroborated each other" –Dr Rainer Kurz:


  • Dec 6 1979 - May 1982 Mandelson serves as a Councillor on Labour-run Lambeth Borough Council in London. Children in Lambeth's 'care' are sexually abused in Lambeth care homes on an industrial scale during the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s and beyond. Until 1982 the assistant director of social services is Valerie 'Val' Howarth who will later - in 1986 - be picked by Esther Rantzen to become founding chief executive of Childline from July 1987, notwithstanding an abysmal track record of failing to protect vulnerable children in care. Another of Mandelson's local Lambeth contemporaries, Paul Boateng (whose wife Janet Boateng becomes a Lambeth councillor in 1982), will visit the predatory manager (Michael John Carroll) of Lambeth's Angell Road children's home "on up to six occasions during the mid-1980s". And were that not by itself shocking enough: "An unnamed youth worker claims he saw Mr Boateng at a holiday camp for young people in care, run by Caroll. He claimed Carroll boasted of his friendship with Mr Boateng" (Daily Mirror, March 2 2016). Separately, MP Cyril Smith will be recorded by hidden police camera committing pedophile offences at a flat in Lambeth Council owned Coronation Buildings (BBC Newsnight March 2015). Cyril Smith, Paul Boateng, Peter Mandelson, Virginia Bottomley and Edward Heath will become the subject of allegations published by Dr Joan Coleman in circa 2011, that, around 2005 and/or earlier, they were involved in a cult which practiced ritual sexual abuse and murder [see below].
    Given Mandelson's involvement in Lambeth governance during a period of industrial scale child abuse, was he interviewed? Almost unbelievably in light of the catastrophic events in Lambeth, the individuals cited above will later be honored as Lord Mandelson, Baroness Howarth, Dame Esther Rantzen, Lord and Lady Boateng, and Sir Cyril Smith.

  • July 1 1980 Mandelson and serial child rapist Edward Heath appear together in public. In his capacity as chairman of the British Youth Council, Mandelson joins Heath, David Alton and Nick Lyell at the House of Commons for a Press Association photo in support of the Youth and Community Bill. Mandelson and Heath will remain in touch for the next two decades (and presumably until Heath's death) - see below.

  • 1980s Mandelson meets and befriends Ghislaine Maxwell at an unspecified point in the 1980s, according to an "acquaintance" of Mandelson quoted in the Daily Mail on Aug 30 2019. The anonymous source alleges that it was Maxwell who, on an unspecified later date, introduced Mandelson to Jeffrey Epstein. However, no corroborating evidence is provided that this is indeed how Mandelson and Epstein later became friends, vacation shopping partners and business allies.

  • 1993/5-1998 Mandelson has by late 1998 received "at least five" free flights from his close friend Linda Wachner aboard her company's private jet. Wachner claims in December 1998 that she met Mandelson "two or three years ago", while newspaper reports trace their initial introduction to a small dinner party in London hosted by Lady Carla Powell in either 1993 or 1995 (sources differ). Another report claims that Mandelson and Wachner met when the politician was staying on Long Island with PR executive Peter Brown. Like Mandelson's other close friend Jeffrey Epstein of whom Wachner is reportedly a client (, Wachner's main home is in New York's Upper East Side. She has additional homes in Southampton in the Hamptons district of Long Island, and Aspen (site of the Aspen Institute where Mandelson has spoken). Mandelson has reportedly stayed with Wachner at her home in Aspen, yet whether he has also stayed at her Upper East Side home near their mutual friend Jeffrey Epstein is unknown. Southampton is 25 minutes from the Hamptons home of Childline co-founder Shaun Woodward and his wife Camilla Sainsbury, whose names - like Wachner's - are listed in the 'little black book' of Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. As well as Mandelson and Wachner, others who've summered in the Hamptons include Ghislaine Maxwell-linked Toby Young, Hugh Grant and Mariella Frostrup.

  • 1993-1994 Mandelson's former Lambeth colleague, Valerie Howarth, is serving on the NSPCC Professional Advice Panel. Mandelson will become deeply involved with the NSPCC a few years later. It is not clear if - or to what extent - Val Howarth will still be involved with the NSPCC by the time Mandelson joins the NSPCC 'Full Stop' campaign against child abuse in 1999 (see below).

  • Aug 28 1996 Mandelson is engaged in conversation with Diana Princess of Wales at an English National Ballet lunch. Diana is the ENB's honorary patron and Mandelson has been a non-executive director of ENB since July 1995. Mandelson will resign from the board on June 6 1997 having spent less than two years in the role. Diana is killed shortly thereafter, on Aug 31 1997.

  • Oct 1996 Mandelson receives a "zero-interest home loan" from close friend Geoffrey Robertson – Ghislaine Maxwell's father's business partner until the tycoon died in 1991. "Geoffrey Robinson's business relationship with Robert Maxwell began in 1987," according to journalist David Hencke, who says Robinson had two companies and Robert Maxwell owned three companies with interests in engineering. Robert Maxwell appointed Robinson as director to his three companies, says Hencke. Fast forward to spring 1991, seven months before Robert Maxwell's mysterious death: "Geoffrey Robinson took over the assets of Robert Maxwell's engineering empire. The deal was incredibly complicated - involving an initial buy-out of Maxwell-owned Hollis plc by Mr Robinson. A Maxwell company then took over a Robinson company with Mr Robinson remaining the largest shareholder. Both Robert Maxwell and Geoffrey Robinson had set up their own offshore trusts by then - allowing money to be transferred out of the UK."

  • 1997 Mandelson lobbies prime minister Tony Blair to give serial pedophile Greville Janner a peerage ahead of the May 1997 general election, as the Daily Mail will report on May 17 2015. "It meant Janner was one of the first peers appointed by Mr Blair after his landslide election victory". Prosecutors announced in 2015 that there was enough evidence to charge Janner with TWENTY-TWO historic child sex offences. Janner was first investigated by police in 1991 after he was named as an alleged pedophile during the trial of children's home manager Frank Beck. It seems most unlikely that Mandelson was not aware of this prior police probe.

  • 1998 Mandelson and Ghislaine Maxwell's brother, Kevin Maxwell, share the same gym, or recently did so, Lambton Place Health Club, according to press reports. Also named as members are Ralph Fiennes and NSPCC supporter Mariella Frostrup (see above): both listed in the black book of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.

  • 1999 Mandelson's Notting Hill home sits directly above a flat co-owned by Ghislaine Maxwell's friend Susannah Constantine (the TV presenter who used to socialize with Prince Andrew), as reported on August 15 by the Mail on Sunday.

  • 1999 Mandelson has begun dining frequently with Prince Andrew at Sunninghill (the Prince's home), the press reports. Mandelson "then agreed to join Andrew’s 'full stop' NSPCC campaign against child abuse, showing up to a series of fundraisers which the duke attended". Very influential on the campaign at this time was Mark Weinberg, a friend of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and longtime business partner of Mandelson's close friend Lord Jacob Rothschild (cousin of Sir Evelyn). Weinberg was the NSPCC's Honorary Treasurer 1983-1991; a Vice President until 2012 or later; and heavily involved with both the Centenary Appeal in 1984 and the Full Stop campaign from 1999 onward. Bill Gates' UK chief, David Svendsen, served on the Full Stop campaign's board and steering group. The board also included Ghislaine Maxwell's close friend Nick Mason, Richard Branson's wife Joan Templeman, and 'power couple' Elisabeth Murdoch and Matthew Freud - the Mandelson confidant whose first client in the PR business, Uri Geller, will in 2002 astonish onlookers by bizarrely accompanying Greville Janner [see above], Paul Boateng [see above] and Michael Jackson on a tour of Parliament (three men who will eventually hit the press for all the wrong reasons). In America in the same period, Bill Gates' closest Microsoft partner, Dr Nathan Myhrvold, is serving alongside Lynn Forester, the future Lynn de Rothschild, and Henry Kissinger on the board of directors of her company FirstMark Communications International. Bill Gates, Nathan Myhrvold, Lynn Forester/de Rothschild and Peter Mandelson will all benefit from Jeffrey Epstein's largesse, including - for Gates, Myhrvold and de Rothschild - flights on the pedophile's private jet. Kissinger, who is Lynn Forester/de Rothschild's acknowledged close friend, neighbor (The River House co-op), and business "mentor", shares Mandelson's interest in lifelong pedophile Sir Edward Heath; in October 2016 the two men will join forces in London for the inaugural Edward Heath International Lecture.

  • Mar 22 1999 It was Mandelson who "helped to persuade" Tony Blair to launch the NSPCC's 'Full Stop' campaign on this date, according to a report in The Times of March 23. "Peter, who, I hear, has turned down several lucrative business offers, has spent much (unpaid) time on this," the article notes. Mandelson is sacrificing large financial rewards to devote himself to child protection.

  • Apr 1999 Mandelson stays for three days with Lord Jacob Rothschild at Rothschild's home in Corfu. Also reportedly staying with Mandelson and Lord Rothschild is Deborah Cavendish, the Duchess of Devonshire. Rothschild subsequently tells The Observer: "Peter came over for about three days and stayed at the villa".

  • Jun 3-6 1999 Mandelson's first documented attendance at an annual Bilderberg meeting takes place a month before the conviction of Lambeth care home boss Michael John Carroll (see above). In addition to Mandelson, this year's Bilderberg meeting attracts Bill Richardson (to whom Jeffrey Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre will say she was trafficked) and Henry Kissinger, a mutual close friend of Mandelson and Mandelson's friend Lynn Forester - the soon-to-be Lady de Rothschild. Kissinger and Lynn Forester are also business partners. The Bilderberg rapporteur is R John Micklethewait, who will soon join de Rothschild as a fellow non-executive director of The Economist.

  • Jul 2 1999 Mandelson registers the loan of an iMac from his close friend and fellow NSPCC 'Full Stop' campaign vice-chair, Matthew Freud.

  • Oct 14 1999 Mandelson and serial child rapist Edward Heath appear together in public, some two decades after their first known public appearance together (see above). The unlikely friends from opposing political parties are seated together in the audience for a Britain in Europe Campaign event (PA Images photo). The venue is an Imax in London's Waterloo district. Heath is evidently a supporter of BiE and Mandelson sits on BiE's Council, as does serial pedophile Lord Leon Brittan - see here.

  • 2000 An exclusive "under-45s" networking club of the World Economic Forum - WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow - reports that its members include MANDELSON and his friend Lynn Forester/de Rothschild; two of Lynn's company co-directors in the shape of Dr Nathan Myhrvold of Microsoft and William Lauder of Estée Lauder; Ghislaine Maxwell's very close friend Johan Eliasch and her future boyfriend Ted Waitt; and Jeffrey Epstein's next-door-neighbor Howard Lutnick [see below]. The "GLTs Networking List" features a "GLT's Private Area" presumably for private communication between members. "The Global Leaders for Tomorrow meet...on the occasion of the Annual Meeting in Davos". Other named members include Gates Foundation ceo Patty Stonesifer and Microsoft executive Rick Belluzzo.

  • Mar 2000 Just one year in to the NSPCC 'Full Stop' campaign, and the Director of the NSPCC, Chris Brown, retires suddenly at age 57 "due to a stress related illness". Brown has held the post for some six years; his sudden departure "has shocked staff and volunteers". Jim Harding, director of children’s services, becomes acting director until the post is filled; Mary Marsh will take over on Sept 1.

  • Dec 2000 As later reported by the Daily Mail, Mandelson and Prince Andrew are privileged guests - "witnesses" - at the wedding ceremony of Ghislaine Maxwell's friend Lynn Forester (de Rothschild) to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. The event takes place at the Liberal Jewish synagogue in St John's Wood (which happens to be the same synagogue at which Shaun Woodward's Childline co-founder Esther Rantzen held her second wedding the year previously, some four years after the ostensible conclusion of her affair with pedophile Sir Nicholas Fairbairn, who has been linked to the Elm Guest House de facto child brothel). In 2001 close friends Lynn de Rothschild and Prince Andrew serve side-by-side as non-executive directors of Outward Bound Global; prolific pedophile Jimmy Savile had resigned from the board a few years earlier. The 'little black book' of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell lists Teterboro-headquartered aviation firm Million Air, of which Lynn's brother, Ken Forester Jr, is the CEO. Lynn has by this time accompanied her close friend Epstein on numerous private jet flights - reportedly at least five. "Epstein also said that his friend Lynn Forester, now married to billionaire Evelyn de Rothschild, needed his financial help during her 1990s divorce from politician Andrew Stein, and that he had graciously floated her," Vanity Fair has noted. In October 2000 Lynn returns Epstein's alleged favor by selling him the Manhattan townhouse in which he then installs their mutual friend, child trafficker Maxwell, at a mind-boggling discount of $8.5million. This was disclosed by Business Insider on July 2 2020.

  • Jan 2001 Mandelson joins his close friend Kevin Spacey at the Old Vic, becoming an Associate Director in or before this date (Daily Telegraph Jan 5 2001), and next year their mutual close friend Lynn de Rothschild will join them. Indeed, de Rothschild in February 2002 becomes a non-executive director of the Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000, sitting alongside Spacey and Sally Greene. "When Spacey accompanied [Bill Clinton] to the Labour Party conference [in Oct 2002] it was Mandelson who took much of the reflected glory", the Evening Standard will subsequently report (Apr 22 2004). Years later the world will be told that Kevin Spacey was using his tenure at the Old Vic to serially sexually assault young actors - reportedly at least TWENTY - with the majority of personal allegations (all but two) falling before 2009. Given their significant involvement with Spacey and the Old Vic during the period of widespread sexual abuse concerned, have Mandelson and de Rothschild been interviewed?

  • Feb 2001 The NSPCC's corporate development board appoints a Microsoft UK marketing director, Shaun Orpen. Orpen has been managing Microsoft's sponsorship of the NSPCC 'Full Stop' campaign - which Marketing Week says he was "instrumental" in arranging - and will continue to do so until quitting Microsoft in July. Mandelson joined the 'Full Stop' campaign in 1999 so he and Orpen have been working on the same campaign for quite some time.

  • Feb 21 2001 The Daily Mail identifies Mandelson as having "played a pivotal role" in the appointment of Prince Andrew as Britain's international trade envoy. "Peter definitely helped. He really talked Andrew up," says one of Mandelson's friends. The former minister and the Prince became friends through the NSPCC's 'Full Stop' campaign in which both men have been instrumental." Other reports confirm that it was Mandelson who offered Andrew the role. By this point in time Mandelson has really taken the directionless duke under his wing. Prince Andrew will next month have congress with Virginia Roberts, according to Roberts' later testimony. She is one of the many underage victims of Ghislaine Maxwell-and-Jeffrey Epstein's-sex trafficking, pedophilia and sexual blackmail enterprise.

  • May 14 2001 Mandelson is staying as a guest at the home of Childline co-founder Shaun Woodward at Woodward's "main residence", "a country house in Oxfordshire complete with butler". The report appears in The Guardian and elsewhere. Just like Mandelson, Shaun Woodward and his wife Camilla Sainsbury are listed in the 'little black book' of phone numbers and email addresses compiled by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Woodward and Sainsbury have another home in East Hampton on Long Island, about 25 minutes from where Linda Wachner has a home (see above). Childline will become part of Esther Rantzen's NSPCC in Feb 2006.

  • Nov 2001 Mandelson and his friend Lynn de Rothschild serve together as non-executive directors of Policy Network and Communications. Mandelson chairs the think-tank; Lynn and her new husband, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, will bankroll it (see below). Mandelson will serve on the board Nov 2001-Oct 2004 and Lynn de Rothschild will serve Nov 2001-Oct 2002. Among those significantly involved with Policy Network are Bill Clinton (for example, see here) and Alan Milburn. Citing the need to "spend more time with my family", Milburn will abruptly resign as a government minister in June 2003, a few months after a list of suspected pedophiles assembled by Operation Ore detectives is leaked to the press. It has neither been established nor disproven that Milburn's name was on that leaked list. Mandelson-the-politician's name was linked to Operation Ore due to police error, press reports will announce (see below).

  • Nov 11-13 2001 Two months after the heinous events of Sept 11 2001, Mandelson flies to Israel to present a speech to The Israel, Britain and Commonwealth Association, as he records in the register of MPs' interests. The Israeli organization's members include Mandelson's very close friend Lord Jacob Rothschild. Other IBCA members have included Paul Boateng's friend the late Greville Janner (who is now a Lord thanks in no small part to Mandelson's lobbying exertions four years earlier), Shirley Porter (whose Westminster City Council was the ultimate landlord of the Dolphin Square complex in London's Pimlico district where, it will later be alleged, boys from care homes were raped by her male colleagues), Lord Levy, Daniel Taub and Matthew Gould.

  • Sept 2002 Mandelson hits the metaphorical jackpot, as the Sunday Times reports on Sept 22 that his friends Lynn and Evelyn de Rothschild have handed him some £250,000 to fund his "super think-thank", Policy Network. One apparent weighty fruit of this generous bankrolling was the Rothschild-hosted Hartwell House 'Third Way' conference in June, with Mandelson and Bill Clinton as key presenters. Lady de Rothschild - who in Oct 2000 sold Jeffrey Epstein the Manhattan townhouse at a discount of $8.5 million in which he installed their mutual friend Ghislaine Maxwell - is by this time quite the philanthropist where her closest confederates are concerned.

  • 2003 Mandelson is a person of interest to Operation Ore detectives in connection with the alleged accessing of online pedophile material by someone using the name Peter Mandelson. It will later be reported that police have confused the politician with a Welsh student of the same name. How odd.

  • Apr 25 2003 Jeffrey Epstein tells interviewers Sarah Bernard and Deborah Schoeneman of that his perfect dinner party guest list would include Peter Mandelson, (Epstein's client) Leslie Wexner, (Greville Janner's friend) David Blaine, Bill Clinton's aide Doug Band, Donald Trump, Mort Zuckerman and Sergey Brin.

  • Jan 1 2005 Mandelson is hosted by Bill Gates' Microsoft co-founder, Paul Allen, for a cocktail party aboard the billionaire's yacht to see in the new year. Mr Allen, Jeffrey Epstein and Lynn de Rothschilld had months earlier been named as members of an online "private social network club" for elites called A Small World; while just a few years earlier (1999), Gates' Microsoft and Mr Allen's 'Vulcan Ventures' had invested $20 million apiece in CommTouch Software, a provider of email services to Microsoft led by Ghislaine's sister Isabel Maxwell. Coinciding with Mandelson's tenure as a vice-chair of the NSPCC 'Full Stop' campaign, Microsoft's UK chief, David Svendsen, served on the campaign's board and steering group. Mandelson's close friend Lynn de Rothschild is a business partner and fellow director at FirstMark Communications International with Bill Gates' closest partner at Microsoft, Dr Nathan Myhrvold (see above). In common with Lynn de Rothschild, Dr Myhrvold was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein and flew on the pedophile's plane. Bill Gates himself met many times with Epstein, beginning no later than Jan 2011. It has yet to be explained precisely HOW and WHY no fewer than FOUR top Microsoft executives; a score of high-profile names involved in the NSPCC 'Full Stop' campaign; and numerous other human cogs in Mandelson's carefully cultivated network (spanning TerraMar, the Old Vic, Ditchley Foundation, Microsoft, Deutsche Bank, the legacy of Sir Edward Heath and Israel, among others), feature so prominently in any investigative account of Epstein and Maxwell running their sex trafficking, minor abuse and VIP-blackmail criminal enterprise.

  • Jan 30 2005 Mandelson accompanies his close friend Nat Rothschild on Rothschild's private jet for a trip to Moscow. Rothschild family business partner Peter Munk is also on the flight; so too is a mutual friend of Nat Rothschild and Ghislaine Maxwell - Sebastian Taylor (Maxwell and Taylor were photographed together in 1986 at the Dynasty Ball in London). Mandelson is introduced by Rothschild to Oleg Deripaska in a Moscow restaurant where Depiraska is hosting a meeting that includes, among others, Bill Clinton's former press secretary Jake Siewert, reportedly. Mandelson dines separately with a Russian minister. After the dinners Mandelson, Rothschild, Munk, Taylor and Deripaska reportedly fly overnight to Siberia where Deripaska houses them, and Mandelson will fly back to Europe on Feb 1.

  • Dec 27 2005 Mandelson enjoys a shopping trip with his friend Jeffrey Epstein in St Barthelemy's on this date (photos published by the Daily Mail on Aug 30 2019). St Barthelemy's is near to Epstein's private island of Little St James. Mandelson has "known [Epstein] for several years, having previously once visited his Caribbean island for a holiday - when neither Epstein nor any of the girls were there," the report notes. Mandelson's partner was also present for the earlier visit, according to eyewitness Cathy Alexander. According to an unnamed source quoted, Mandelson's St Bart's shopping excursion with Epstein "came about because of Ghislaine ... Peter was staying on St Bart's that Christmas ... so she thought it would be fun to fly Jeffrey out to see him in a helicopter for the day". No corroborating evidence for this version of events.

  • Jan 2006 Mandelson attends the World Economic Forum annual meeting. Also present is Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann, with whom Mandelson will go on to serve on the board of the Alfred Herrhausen Society of Deutsche Bank (see below). Others joining Mandelson at the W.E.F. include Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Howard Lutnick and Dr Larry Summers (all having substantive links to Jeffrey Epstein and/or Ghislaine Maxwell); as well as Mark Thompson of the NSPCC Stop Organised Abuse Board and BBC.

  • 2006 Mandelson is the subject of allegations dating to the years prior to and including 2006. The allegations will be documented by Dr Joan Coleman (and published in circa 2011). Dr Coleman was a UK psychiatrist who specialized in the treatment of victims of childhood abuse. Dr Coleman avers that the allegations against Mandelson and others were relayed to her by a victim whom she identifies only as HG: "Mandelson [is] involved in cult in France and Brussels. Likes boys. Pays cult cash for rent boys but seems to be part of it. He ordered severe torture prior to murder ojf boy Kevin, aged 17, a runaway from Newcastle. who had some hold over him and was blackmailing him. Kevin was tortured and killed. Body dumped in sea, south coast, after being cut up." The south coast reference is interesting in light of a separate allegation which will be made against Mandelson in the future (see below). Dr Coleman evidently takes the allegation seriously.

  • Jun 2006 Mandelson's earlier consultancy work for Frenchman Minc Conseil (Nov 2002-Sept 2004) yields a favorable result for the coterie in summer 2006. "Both Mr Minc and Lord Mandelson, as a Euro-commissioner, spoke out strongly in favour of the hugely controversial takeover of the French steelmaker, Arcelor. [In June 2006] the successful bidder was Lakshmi Mittal, a friend of Lord Mandelson's and a major donor to the Labour Party. Also involved in the deal was Nat Rothschild, a close Mandelson friend". (As reported by Andrew Gilligan in the Sunday Telegraph, July 11 2010).

  • On a date falling after Aug 2006 and before June 30 2008 Mandelson pays a visit to Jeffrey Epstein at the sex trafficker's mansion in Paris, as captured by a photo published by the Sun on Sunday in Jan 2002. Mandelson and Epstein celebrate a birthday together - seemingly Epstein's (Epstein was born on January 20, which could point to the photo having been taken in either Jan 2007 or Jan 2008). Epstein and Mandelson are joined for this birthday celebration by an as-yet-unnamed individual, reportedly Epstein's Paris "butler".

  • Jan 2007 Mandelson attends the World Economic Forum annual meeting once again. As was the case 12 months ago, his fellow attendees this year once again include Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann, Bill Gates of Microsoft and Howard Lutnick of Cantor Fitzgerald. Moreover, this year Mandelson's longtime protégé, Prince Andrew, and his close friend Nat Rothschild are also present. Likewise Lynn de Rothschild's business partner William Lauder. Evidence points to the conclusion that Mr Lauder's uncle, the former US ambassador to Austria Ronald Lauder, secured an Austrian passport for Jeffrey Epstein to which the career sex trafficker, pedophile and sexual blackmailer was not legally entitled (Whitney Webb, August 7 2019). The Lauders and Lynn de Rothschild serve together on the board of Estée Lauder Companies Inc.

  • Jan 2008 Mandelson attends the World Economic Forum annual meeting once again. His fellow attendees include many of the same names present with him at the W.E.F. conferences of last year and/or 2006. This year they include Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann, Bill Gates, Howard Lutnick of Cantor Fitzgerald and Prince Andrew. Also in attendance this year are Henry Kissinger, Mandelson's friend Paul Allen of Microsoft [see above], and former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak - the Jeffrey Epstein confederate who received more than $2 million in grants from the Wexner Foundation when Epstein sat on the group's board. Barak will go on to deny reports that Epstein supplied him with an underage victim (Virginia Roberts) of the trafficking, pedophilia and sexual blackmail enterprise whom he (Barak) then allegedly assaulted.

  • Jun 5-8 2008 Mandelson participates in the annual Bilderberg meeting once again; this year in Virginia. The politician's fellow participants include Henry Kissinger and Dr Larry Summers (see above), as well as Dr Wolfgang Ischinger. Ischinger will go on to serve alongside Mandelson, Lynn de Rothschild and Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann (see above) on the board of the Alfred Herrhausen Society of Deutsche Bank.

  • Aug 2008 Mandelson is "once again a guest of the Rothschild family in Corfu". Unlike on a previous occasion when he stayed in the Rothschilds' Corfu villa (April 1999), on this visit Mandelson is reportedly accommodated on the yacht of Oleg Deripaska. During the course of Mandelson's Corfu trip he will attend social gatherings with some combination of his longtime close friends Nat Rothschild, Matthew Freud and Elisabeth Murdoch, as well as George Osborne, Deripaska, and potentially Lord Andrew Feldman, the Tory party Chief Executive and fundraiser who is also among those enjoying the hospitality of the Rothschilds and Deripaska at one of the gatherings. On Aug 1 2020 the Daily Telegraph suggests that Lord Feldman is the same 'Andrew Feldman" listed in the 'little black book' of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.

  • Jan 2009 Mandelson attends the World Economic Forum annual meeting once again. His fellow attendees include many of the same names present with him at the W.E.F. conferences of last year, and/or of 2007, and/or of 2006. This year they include: Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Howard Lutnick of Cantor Fitzgerald and Dr Larry Summers, as well as (of course) Mandelson's acolyte Prince Andrew. Also taking part this year is Prof Dr Roland Berger, who sits with Mandelson and Lynn de Rothschild on the board of the Alfred Herrhausen Society of Deutsche Bank and with Mandelson again on the Advisory Board of Sapinda Group.

  • Jan 2009 Mandelson calls his friend Jeffrey Epstein in the Palm Beach County Stockade (jail) that Epstein has inhabited after pleading guilty to procuring a minor for sexual abuse. This extraordinary phone conversation will be reported by UK broadcaster Channel 4 on the 'Dispatches' program, aired in October 2019, based on the account of Epstein's friend, who requests anonymity. During the call, Mandelson reportedly seeks Epstein's assistance to set up a meeting with Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan bank. Mandelson and Epstein were so close that the sex offender refers to his friend by a nickname ("Petie") during the conversation, the whistle-blower alleges. "I must say I was astonished that a British cabinet minister at that time, probably the most powerful man other than the Prime Minister, was calling Jeffrey in jail to make an appointment, to seek an appointment with a very powerful banker in New York," the whistle-blower tells 'Dispatches'. But this wasn't the only time that Mandelson and Epstein engaged in business talk. Victim Virginia Giuffre recalls Mandelson visiting Epstein's townhouse in New York. "I remember him [Mandelson] being at the house in New York and I was introduced to him at a dinner party. He and Jeffrey talked business together." Thus we have two entirely unrelated individuals, with no common interest, both separately alleging that Mandelson and Epstein discussed business matters together on different occasions.
    What precisely were the shared business interests involving career sex trafficker, abuser of minors and sexual blackmailer-of-politicians Jeffrey Epstein, and his close friend Peter 'Petie' Mandelson?

  • May 14-17 2009 Mandelson attends the annual Bilderberg meeting for a third time (Greece) alongside Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann, whom Mandelson will subsequently join on the board of Deutsche Bank's Alfred Herrhausen Society (see below).

  • Aug 2009 Mandelson is yet again a guest of the Rothschild family in Corfu [see Aug 2008 and April 1999]. Joining Mandelson this time around: David Geffen and Ghislaine Maxwell's close friend Nicky Haslam.

  • Oct 2010 Mandelson is the subject of a distinctly unrevealing television documentary - 'Mandelson: The Real PM?' - directed and produced by Hannah Rothschild (daughter of Lord Jacob Rothschild) and screened in Oct 2010 by the BBC. Mandelson is friends with Hannah Rothschild, as he is with her father (Lord Rothschild) and brother (Nat Rothschild). Both Mandelson and Hannah Rothschild were trustees of the Whitechapel Gallery. Intriguingly, Hannah Rothschild and Ghislaine Maxwell both attended Marlborough College, having been born just 5 months apart. Old classmates?

  • 2011 On an unspecified date in this year, Mandelson is invited by his friend Ghislaine Maxwell to a meeting, according to an anonymous source (billed as a 'friend' of Maxwell) quoted in the Daily Mail on Aug 30 2019. "[But when Mandelson] turned up, Epstein was there. It was a complete accident..." No corroborating evidence is provided for this version of events.

  • Mar 12 2011 Mandelson and the Kinnocks have been invited to join Ghislaine Maxwell and her six siblings at Elisabeth Maxwell's 90th birthday party tomorrow, the Daily Mail announces. It adds: "Other guests will include representatives from Elisabeth Maxwell's Holocaust education project, Remembering For The Future". Greville Janner is a Remembering for the Future patron and its financial sponsors include Ghislaine's sister Isabel Maxwell - who has evidently benefited so handsomely from her Microsoft and Bill Gates connections (see above) that she can quite afford to be generous. A trustee of Remembering for the Future is Martin Paisner - who additionally acts as "one of two trustees of the Manchester Trust - the blind trust set up by [Tony Blair] and his wife". Were Paisner and Greville Janner invited to join Mandelson, Ghislaine, Isabel, and Ghislaine's other siblings at the birthday bash, then?

  • Jun 9-12 2011 Mandelson attends the annual Bilderberg meeting for a fourth time; this year in Switzerland where his fellow participants include Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann and Henry Kissinger.

  • 2012 Mandelson becomes one of the 'founding citizens' of TerraMar, a fake charity set up by his friend Ghislaine Maxwell with financial support from Jeffrey Epstein. Law enforcement suspect TerraMar was a fake charity slush fund for victims of Maxwell-and-Epstein's sex trafficking operation. Other 'founding citizens' include Sir Evelyn de Rothschild's son/Lynn de Rothschild's stepson, David de Rothschild; Edith 'Edie' Lutnick (details above); the business partner of Mandelson's close friend Matthew Freud - Dr Arlo Brady; Mandelson's fellow NSPCC 'Full Stop' campaign vice-chairman Nick Mason; and NSPCC 'Full Stop' campaign supporters Jemma Kidd, Johan Eliasch and Richard Branson (a 'supporting citizen'). A veritable NSPCC 'Full Stop' campaign reunion!

  • May 31-Jun 3 2012 Mandelson attends the annual Bilderberg meeting for a fifth time; this year it once again takes place in Virginia. Henry Kissinger attends as usual, as does Wolfgang Ischinger who will next year join Mandelson and Lady Lynn de Rothschild on the board of the Alfred Herrhausen Society of Deutsche Bank.

  • 2013 Mandelson is brought on to the board of the Alfred Herrhausen Society of Deutsche Bank, according to a July 14 report in Der Spiegel. The report identifies Anshu Jain as the individual responsible for Mandelson's appointment; very significantly, however, a mutual friend of Mandelson and Jain - Lynn Forester de Rothschild - also sits on this board. Deutsche Bank executives approved Jeffrey Epstein as a client in 2013 and then kept working with him. "[In 2013] Deutsche Bank was aggressively expanding its U.S. wealth management business under its new co-chief executive, Anshu Jain ... Deutsche Bank executives ignored repeated red flags, including suspiciously large cash withdrawals and 120 wire transfers totaling $2.65 million to women with Eastern European surnames," the New York Times reported. Subsequently, Jain "was forced to step down from the top job at Deutsche Bank after a series of regulatory mishaps". In 2017 Jain was hired by Cantor Fitzgerald's Howard Lutnick, Jeffrey Epstein's former next-door-neighbor whose sister, Edie Lutnick, will next year become - with Mandelson and others - a 'founding citizen' of Ghislaine Maxwell's fake charity TerraMar (see below). Jain is also close friends and 'charity partners' (Children in Crisis; Chances for Children Inc; The Duchess of York's 9/11 Fund) with Jeffrey Epstein-loan recipient Sarah Ferguson, former wife of Prince Andrew.

  • May 23 2013 Mandelson and Virginia Bottomley are photographed, together, smiling warmly in The Guardian, to accompany the curious announcement that "Mandelson has been appointed the high steward of Kingston Upon Hull ... The post has been resurrected along with another ceremonial role in the east coast port, the sheriff of Hull, which will be filled by the former Tory minister Virginia Bottomley ... The Queen agreed to resurrect the posts, which lapsed with the creation of the now defunct Humberside county council in the 1970s." Separately in 2013, the media reveals the existence of a list of alleged visitors to the Elm Guest House, a former de facto child brothel to which NSPCC trustee Esther Rantzen's former lover, Sir Nicholas Fairbairn, has also been linked. The name of Virginia Bottomley's husband (Peter Bottomley) is on the list. Mr Bottomley will next year deny being a pedophile and vow to litigate against anyone who says otherwise (report of July 7 2014 in the Daily Mail). Virginia Bottomley sat on the NSPCC's 'Stop Organised Abuse' board, established in 2003. Did Mandelson and Bottomley come together on that board, the NSPCC's 'Full Stop' campaign, or on any other projects involving child protection? Virginia Bottomley's devotion to child protection can be traced back decades. For example, on May 9 1990, she accompanied Esther Rantzen on a visit to the Childline premises in London NW1.

  • Jun 6-9 2013 Mandelson attends the annual Bilderberg meeting once again (held in the UK this year). The politician's fellow participants include Wolfgang Ischinger who now sits alongside Mandelson, Lynn de Rothschild and Josef Ackermann on the board of the Alfred Herrhausen Society of Deutsche Bank (see above).

  • Mar 2014 Mandelson has been renting a home from his friend Nat Rothschild since this month, as reported by the Daily Mail on June 4. Mandelson's rented "four-bedroom detached house" adjoins the Stowell Park estate where Nat lives, according to the report.

  • May 29-Jun 1 2014 Mandelson attends the annual Bilderberg meeting for an apparent seventh time. This year in Denmark, and Mandelson's fellow participants include, as usual, Josef Ackermann and Henry Kissinger.

  • 2015 Mandelson attends a reception during the World Economic Forum in Davos when his friend Prince Andrew uses a speech to deny allegations that he had sexual relations with Epstein/Maxwell sex trafficking victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre. Has the dimwitted Duke by now deduced that those he long regarded as his generous "friends group" of Epstein, Maxwell, Lynn Forester/de Rothschild, and Mandelson, are in fact responsible for having groomed and lured His Royal Highness in to a honey-trap: similar to the honey-traps sprung on many other VIPs and statesman either side of Sept 11 2001 by Epstein, Maxwell and co.?

  • Oct 24 2016 MANDELSON, George Osborne and Lord Kenneth Clarke (Ben Fellows' allegations) watch as Lynn de Rothschild's close friend, neighbor, business partner and decades-long mentor, Henry Kissinger, gives the inaugural Sir Edward Heath International Lecture at Banqueting House in London. Former UK ambassador Craig Murray published an allegation against Sir Edward and Lord Mandelson below his blog post of July 27 2015. The comment by an anonymous source reads in part: "As well as on the boat itself, children from Isle of Wight care homes were abused by both Edward Heath and Peter Mandelson at the Priory Bay Hotel, near St Helens on the eastern side of the island ... The estate extends to some 60 acres and provides a lot of privacy ... The estate even has its own beach which is highly secluded and which Heath sometimes accessed from the sea." No corroborating evidence is provided. Separately, and some years earlier, Dr Joan Coleman published the - apparently corroborating - allegation of a client that Mandelson's longtime associate Virginia Bottomley was part of a group of parliamentarians venerating the late Edward Heath's memory though the ritual abuse of victims (did the alleged group include Mandelson, whom Dr Coleman also identifies in connection with an alleged murder involving a body dumped off the South Coast?). Moreover, Dr Coleman indicated that Bottomley owned property on the Isle of Wight. (Esther Rantzen, who lives in the nearby New Forest near Edward Heath's Arundells, recently solicited Isle of Wight residents to thank her directly if her NSPCC Childline helped them. Sexual abuse victims of Sir Edward Heath, Sir Nicholas Fairbairn and Sir Jimmy Savile are unlikely to have done so.)

  • 2021 Mandelson is advising the Leader of the UK Labour party, Sir Keir Starmer. To those familiar with the intertwining histories of Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and Mandelson, this fact is as astonishing as it is outrageous. Does the Labour party hold victims of sex trafficking and pedophilia in such contempt?


Peter Mandelson and the Lambeth Council milieu Dec 6 1979 - May 1982

the LABOUR GROUP of councillors during Mandelson's tenure - during which children in the 'care' of Lambeth Council children's homes were being abused 'on an industrial scale' :-

councillor Dorothy Ayers

!! councillor Janet Boateng (n.b elected in May 1982becoming Chair of the Social Services Committee, so she joined Lambeth Council just as Mandelson left it. The social services committee reportedly had overall responsibility for the running of Lambeth's children's homes. Media coverage of the Boatengs here and here)

councillor Bill Bowring

councilor John Boyle

councillor Mike Bright

councillor Christopher Brooks

!! councillor Stephen Bubb (n.b. elected in May 1982, so he joined Lambeth Council just as Mandelson left it; Member of the Social Services Commitee 1982-; Vice Chair of the Social Services Committee 1983-1985)

councillor Brinley 'Bryn' Davies (departed the Council in 1981. Deputy Leader)

councillor Peter Dean

councillor Sylvia Dimmick

councillor Michael Drake

councillor Ian Grant

councillor Hugh Griffiths

councillor William Hall

councillor Leonard Hammond

!! councillor Les Hammond (Chair of the Social Services Committee 1978-1981)

councillor Elsie Horstead

councillor Dennis Houghting

councillor Sylvia Ingerson

councillor Michael Jeram

councillor Michael Johnson

!! councillor Ted Knight (Council Leader 1978-1986)

councillor Peter Lane (resigned c.1981)

councillor Peter Lansley

!! councillor Peter Mandelson (elected in a by-election on December 6 1979)

councillor John 'Jock' McPherson Quinn

councillor Patrick Mitchell (represented Stockwell ward alongside councillors Peter Mandelson and Paul Ormerod)

councillor Marie Montaut

councillor Kevin Moore

councillor Paul Moore

councillor Alfred Muller

councillor Malcolm Noble

councillor Paul Ormerod (represented Stockwell ward alongside councillors Peter Mandelson and Patrick Mitchell)

councillor Angela Painter

councillor Elizabeth du Parcq

councillor Dean Parker

councillor (Sydney) Ken Phipp

councillor Yvonne Phipp

councillor Derek Prentice

councillor Francis 'Frank' Quenault (and Mayor of Lambeth 1978-1979]

councillor John Quinn

councillor Paul Rossi

councillor Andrew Sawdon

!! councillor Sheila Stace (Chair of the Social Services Committee 1981-1982)

councillor Stephen Stannard

councillor David Stimpson

councillor Andrew Thompson

councillor Neil Turner

councillor Rosalind Verden

councillor Matthew Warburton

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07-31-2021, 08:17 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2021, 04:16 AM by Survivors.)

Peter Mandelson and the Lambeth Council milieu Dec 6 1979 - May 1982

Others at Lambeth Council - staff, etc. - during Mandelson's tenure - during which children in the 'care' of Lambeth Council children's homes were being abused 'on an industrial scale' :-

!! (Michael) John Carroll (Deputy Officer-in-Charge at Highland Road children's home March 1978-; Officer-in-Charge at Angel Road children's home January 1981-1990. The indictment before the court in 1999 contained 76 counts relating to child sexual abuse. Carroll was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment.)

!! June Mellor (June Carroll) (Deputy Officer-in-Charge at Highland Road children's home 1977-; "June Mellor was later to become Michael John Carroll's wife")

Frank Dixon Ward (Chief Executive 1977-1982) and Arthur John George (Chief Executive from 1982 onward)

!! Steven Forrest (Team Leader and a Senior Residential Care Officer at Angell Road children's home 1982-1991)

!! Valerie Howarth  (Assistant Director of Social Services - Personal Services Division until 1982. Howarth in other words was employed by Lambeth throughout Mandelson's tenure as an elected Councillor and departed the same year he left the council. Between joining Lambeth in 1976, and taking up the post of Director of Social Services in Brent in 1982, Howarth at some point trained the sister of Esther Rantzen: Lambeth social worker Priscilla Taylor. When Rantzen co-founded ChildLine in 1986, she selected Howarth as her founding chief executive despite Howarth's "notoriety" for failing children in the care system in Lambeth then Brent. "My sister reminded me that in spite of her notoriety Valerie was a skilled and experienced social worker," Rantzen unconvincingly told the press. As well as becoming Childline's founding chief executive (in post until July 2001) Howarth served as "the new head of the Childline Counselling Service" from c. 1987 onward (The Sunday Times May 17 1987). Howarth was a member of the NSPCC Professional Advice Panel 1993-1994.

Christopher 'Chris' Hussell (a Senior/Supervising Social Worker during Mandelson's Lambeth tenure)

Theresa Johnson (Social Work Student who did a practice placement at Angell Road children's home for three or four months in 1981 or 1982)

Lord Roger Liddle (n.b. elected to the council in 1982, so he joined it as Mandelson was departing it. Liddle was the SDLP group Leader on Lambeth Council when he tried to recruit Mandelson to the SDLP. Mandelson "seriously discussed" the possibility and "is said to have even accepted an enrolment form". Liddle is friends with Mandelson and would go on to work with him on numerous projects, including in the early 2000s as a fellow boardmember at Policy Network and Communications Ltd)

!! Robin Osmond (the Director of Social Services 1977 - April 1988)

Lord Herman Ouseley (the Race Relations adviser to Lambeth Borough Council)

!! Leslie 'Les' Paul (worked at South Vale children's home from September 1979 onward. Perpetrated scores of sexual assaults on children throughout his employment at Lambeth, until his dismissal in 1992. In 2016, sentencing Mr Paul to 13 years' imprisonment, Judge John Hillen told him: "If you were not part of a pedophile ring, you were at least knowledgeable about and in contact with a group of pedophile men.")

!! Jack Smith (Principal Officer Social Work during Mandelson's Lambeth tenure)

!! Philip Temple (House Father at Shirley Oaks' Rowan House children's home 1975 - May 1977)

!! Patrick Grant (Officer-in-Charge at Shirley Oaks' Rowan House children's home from August 1977. Following his December 1978 acquittal he worked at South Vale Assessment Centre July 1980 - Oct. 1981. "In 2019, Grant was convicted of eight counts of child sexual abuse, including in respect of one child who had been at Shirley Oaks in the care of Lambeth Council in the 1970s. Lambeth Council is now aware of at least 15 children who have alleged sexual abuse by Grant, eight of whom were in its care")



Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


1.    David Aaronovitch, LWT/Weekend World [producer]

2.    Pinar Abay, Trilateral Comm [fellow]

3.    Serikbolsyn Abdildin, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism

4.    Brian Abel-Smith, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]

5.    Jean Abergel, Advisory board of BlueVoyant LLC

6.    Susan Abesser, The Economist

7.    David Abrahams, Fabian Soc [member]; Lab Friends of Israel [acting Director; treasurer]

8.    Joan Abrahamson, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]

9.    Eliot Abrams, AMEURUS

10.                       Ann-Kristin Achleitner, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm; WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]

11.                       Paul Achleitner, B'berg 2012; B'berg 2013; B'berg 2014

12.                       Josef Ackermann, B'berg 2008; B'berg 2009; B'berg 2010 [*see note]; B'berg 2011; B'berg 2013; B'berg 2014; Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank; W.E.F. Davos 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

13.                       Sir Antony Acland, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]

14.                       Christopher Adams, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd

15.                       John Adams, B'berg 2008

16.                       Stephen Adams, Global Counsel [Partner; senior adviser]; Global Counsel Ltd; Global Counsel Consulting Llp ['llp member']; Global Counsel Ventures Ltd

17.                       Paul Adamson, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Future of Europe Forum at Centre for British Influence Through Europe; Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]

18.                       Lord Victor Adebowale, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]

19.                       Adebayo Adeleke, Brit-American Prjct Inc [trustee]

20.                       Ade Adeyemi, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]

21.                       Kate Adie, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery

22.                       Lord Andrew Adonis, Ditchley Fdn [governor]; English National Ballet; Hartwell House 'Third Way' conf.; Königswinter Conf. 2003; Policy Network & Comms Ltd; Progress [the think-tank's Chair]

23.                       Alex Adranghi, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]

24.                       Marco Aguiriano, Tertulias

25.                       Bertie Ahern, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]

26.                       Urban Ahlin, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm

27.                       Lord Nazir Ahmed, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]

28.                       Esko Aho, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Trilateral Comm [exec c'ttee & Euro grp]

29.                       Marrti Ahtisaari, AMEURUS

30.                       Tom Aikens, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']

31.                       Rupert Ainley, GBCC [non-exec director]

32.                       Jon Aisbitt, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair] [also FS steering grp & NSPCC treasurer; also a life patron]

33.                       Fouad Ajami, B'berg 2008; B'berg 2012

34.                       Janet Akala, Global Counsel [group finance director & compliance]

35.                       Luke Akehurst, Labour to Win Ltd

36.                       Sanchia Alasia, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]

37.                       Samuel Albin, Moon Active Ltd [ceo & founder]

38.                       Madeleine Albright, Int'l Advisory Board of Aspen Institute Central Europe [also the co-chair of AICE; also sits on the US Aspen board]; N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm

39.                       Lord Charles Aldington, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]

40.                       Rodney Aldrige, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]

41.                       Roger Aldridge, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair]

42.                       Saffron Aldridge, NSPCC [Hall of Fame 2004]

43.                       Sir Danny Alexander, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [dir of comms]; Advisory/Campaign Council of British Influence [also Co-President]; Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group; Britain Stronger in Europe; Open Britain Ltd

44.                       Douglas Alexander, Brit-American Prjct [Member]; Progress [patron]

45.                       Dame Helen Alexander, Franco-British Colloque [chair]; The Economist; WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]

46.                       Keith Alexander, B'berg 2008; B'berg 2009; B'berg 2011; B'berg 2012; B'berg 2014

47.                       Lord Robert Alexander, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]; Economist Group [trustee]

48.                       Roger Alexander, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]

49.                       Wendy Alexander, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]; Franco-British Colloque 2001; Progress [patron]

50.                       Princess Alexandra (Lady Ogilvy), Prince Charles' 50th bday party at Spencer House Nov 1998 [attendee]; RC School of Speech & Drama [patron Mar.1969-]

51.                       Tina Alexandrou, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000

52.                       Rushanara Ali, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board; vice-chair]

53.                       Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]

54.                       Stephanie Allain, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]

55.                       Tim Allan, Soho House [Member/diner as of Mar.1999]

56.                       Michael Allegretti, Brit-American Prjct Inc [chair; vice-chair]

57.                       Alf Allen, TUC

58.                       Bertrand-Marc Allen, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm

59.                       Charles Allen, NSPCC Stop Organised Abuse Board [*See note]

60.                       Mary Allen, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]

61.                       Paul Allen, W.E.F. Davos 2008

62.                       Lord Waheed Alli, English National Ballet; WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]

63.                       Lord David Alliance, 'A Bazaar Life' [his autobiography to which Mandelson & Ivan Fallon contributed]; Indpndnt News & Media Plc [UK CEO]; Moon Active Ltd [shareholder]

64.                       ::: Joshua Alliance [son of Lord David], Moon Active Ltd [board member]

65.                       Lavinia Allison, Chatham House [business director]

66.                       Adam Allnutt, Fabian Soc [exec c'ttee]

67.                       Nicholas Allott, English National Ballet

68.                       Joaquin Almunia, B'berg 2008; B'berg 2010 [*see note]; Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [chair]; Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]

69.                       Mina Al-Oraibi, W.E.F. Davos 2015

70.                       Edmond Alphandéry, Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [president]

71.                       Roger Altman, B'berg 2008; B'berg 2009; B'berg 2010 [*see note]



Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


1.    Prof Giuliano Amato, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]; Ditchley Fdn [governor]; Hartwell House 'Third Way' conf.; Policy Network & Comms Ltd

2.    Belma Ambrose, Global Counsel [head/director of delivery; adviser; prjct coordinator]

3.    Mike Amesbury, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']

4.    Jean-Christophe Ammann, Alfred Herrhausen Society for Int'l Dialogue of Deutsche Bank

5.    Lady Valerie Amos, Tertulias; W.E.F. Davos 2015

6.    Rafael Anchía, Brit-American Prjct [2003 delegate]

7.    Bruce Anderson, LWT/Weekend World [producer]

8.    Lord Donald Anderson, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group [vice-chair]; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']

9.    John Anderson 3rd Viscount Waverley, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group [vice-chair]

10.                       Philippa Anderson, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]

11.                       Magdalena Andersson, Policy Network & Comms Ltd

12.                       Benedict Andradi, English National Ballet

13.                       Peter Andre, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [NSPCC ambassador at the time]

14.                       Prince Andrew, Nov 2000 wedding of Lynn & Evelyn de Rothschild [guest/'witness']; Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [Campaign Chair until 2004, then Campaign Patron]; W.E.F. Davos 2007, 2008, 2009, 2015

15.                       ::: Sarah Ferguson Duchess of York, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]

16.                       June Andrews, Brit-American Prjct [advisory board; fellow]

17.                       Leighton Andrews, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]

18.                       Russell Andrews, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]

19.                       Edgardo Angara, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism

20.                       Miguel Ángel Moratinos, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]

21.                       Richard Angell, Progress Ltd ['membership asst'; Exec Director; Dep Director; non-exec director]

22.                       Sir Michael Angus, Ditchley Fdn [non-exec director]

23.                       Sean Anstee, Brit-American Prjct; Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]

24.                       James Aquilina, BlueVoyant LLC [snr advisor]

25.                       Giancarlo Aragona, Ditchley Fdn [governor]

26.                       Alexei Arbatov, AMEURUS

27.                       Sir Martyn Arbib, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair] [also FS steering grp]

28.                       Louise Arbour, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm

29.                       Lord James Arbuthnot, Brit-Spanish All-Party Parliamentary Group [chair]; Tertulias [chair]

30.                       ::: Lady Emma Arbuthnot, Tertulias

31.                       Lord Peter Archer, Fabian Soc [president]; Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism [vice-pres]; Lab Friends of Israel [Parliamentary Exec- Lords]

32.                       Count Riprand Arco, Ditchley Fdn [governor]

33.                       Jeff Ardron, TerraMar Prjct Inc [Member of the Council & 'founding citizen']

34.                       José M. de Areilza, Tertulias [co-chair]

35.                       Alistair Arkley, Tees Valley Regen. Ltd

36.                       Lady Hilary Armstrong, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']

37.                       Peter Armstrong, W.E.F. Davos 2012

38.                       Lady Elizabeth Arnold, English National Ballet

39.                       Luqman Arnold, Design Museum

40.                       Bela Arora, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; exec c'ttee]

41.                       Sonia Arrison, B'berg 2010 [*see note]

42.                       James Arroyo, Ditchley Fdn [ceo]

43.                       Nihal Arthanayake, Brit-American Prjct

44.                       Prof W Brian Arthur, W.E.F. Davos 2012

45.                       Sir Michael Arthur, Konigswinter [non-exec director]

46.                       Teruo Asada, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm

47.                       Evelyn Asante-Mensah, Manchester Metropolitan University [board of governors]

48.                       Jessica Asato, Fabian Soc [chair, vice chair, dep director]; Progress [Dpty Director; Acting Director]

49.                       Jacques Aschenbroich, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm

50.                       Endre Ascsillán, Aspen Institute Central Europe [board member]

51.                       Alexandra Ashbourne, Centre for European Reform [defence analyst]

52.                       Robin Ashby, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]

53.                       Sir Paddy Ashdown, Int'l Advisory Board of Indpndnt News & Media Plc

54.                       James Ashe-Taylor, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]

55.                       Stephanie Ashton, Konigswinter [secretary only]

56.                       Dr John Ashworth, Ditchley Fdn [governor]

57.                       Paul Askew, SRU (SRU Investments Ltd & SRU London Ltd)

58.                       Anders Aslund, B'berg 1999

59.                       Dr Ronald Asmus, Policy Network & Comms Ltd

60.                       Martine Assouline, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']

61.                       Laure Astill, Centre for European Reform [Paris representative]

62.                       Timothy Atherton, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd [secretary only]

63.                       Prof Susan Athey, B'berg 2013

64.                       Luis Atienza, Tertulias [chair]

65.                       Sheila Atim, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000

66.                       Lord Richard Attenborough, Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery; Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000

67.                       ::: Lady Sheila Attenborough (Sim), Hillary Clinton Reception at The Orangery

68.                       Richard Attias, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']

69.                       Shun Au, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]

70.                       Mark Austen, Arts & Business Ltd [trustee; non-exec director]

71.                       Ian Austin, Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']; Progress [patron]

72.                       Leo Austin, Sir Edward Heath Charitable Fdn

73.                       Dr Wendy Austin, Arts & Business Ltd [trustee; non-exec director]

74.                       Dr Susan Avery, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']

75.                       Prof Dr Shlomo Avineri, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]

76.                       Cllr Dorothy Ayers, Lambeth Council [Tulse Hill ward, Labour, May 1978-]

77.                       Robert Ayling, Ditchley Fdn [governor]


Lord Peter Mandelson  (Peter Benjamin Mandelson)


1.    Colin Babb, Sapinda UK Ltd [secretary to the board]

2.    Terry Babcock-Lumish, Brit-American Prjct

3.    Joseph Bachar, W.E.F. Davos 2006

4.    Jerzy Baczynski, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm

5.    Robin Bagchi, Tennor Holding BV (UK) [the manager; a non-exec director]; Sapinda Group [the vice-pres]

6.    Stuart Bagnall, Hartlepool UFC Ltd [secretary only]

7.    Apurv Bagri, NSPCC Stop Organised Abuse Board [*See note]

8.    Kamal Bahamdan, Advisory Board of Sapinda Group

9.    Anthony Bailey, British Influence [Co-President; non-exec director]

10.                       Sly Bailey, NSPCC Stop Organised Abuse Board [*See note]

11.                       Prof Sir George Bain, The Economist

12.                       John Baines, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director; chair]

13.                       Vera Baird, Fabian Soc [member]

14.                       Zdenek Bakala, Aspen Institute Central Europe [co-founder]; Design Museum; WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]

15.                       ::: Michaela Bakala, Aspen Institute Central Europe [co-founder]

16.                       Gerard Baker, AMEURUS

17.                       James Baker, English National Ballet

18.                       Karen Baker, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]

19.                       Lord Kenneth Baker, UK-Japan C21st Group

20.                       Dora Bakoyannis, Ctr for Euro Policy Studies [board member]

21.                       Harriet Baldwin, Tertulias

22.                       Lord Richard Balfe, Friends of Arundells

23.                       Giles Ball, Friends of Arundells

24.                       Sir (Robert) James Ball, Economist Group [trustee]

25.                       Stephen Ball, English National Ballet

26.                       Tom Ball, Brit-American Prjct [exec c'ttee]

27.                       Zoe Ball, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [supporter]

28.                       Steven Ballmer, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]

29.                       Ed Balls, B'berg 2013; B'berg 2014; Fabian Soc [chair, exec c'ttee]; Lab Friends of Israel ['LFI supporter']

30.                       Diana Balsdon, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]

31.                       Klaus Balzer, German Brit Forum [advisory board]

32.                       Louise Bamfield, Fabian Soc [member]

33.                       Lady Carole Bamford, Board of the Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [vice-chair] [also an FS Appeal patron; also on FS steering group]

34.                       ::: Sir Anthony Bamford, Full Stop Appeal at NSPCC [FS steering grp] [also an FS Appeal patron]

35.                       Alan Banes, Old Vic Theatre Trust 2000

36.                       Manvinder Banga, The Economist

37.                       Edward Bannerman, Centre for European Reform [head of business & economics unit]

38.                       Matthew Bannister, WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow [as of 2000]

39.                       Ehud Barak, W.E.F. Davos 2008, 2012

40.                       Brendan Barber, Britain Stronger in Europe; Open Britain Ltd

41.                       Lionel Barber, Centre for European Reform [member of management c'ttee]

42.                       Matthew Barber, Brit-American Prjct [member]

43.                       Estela Barbot, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm

44.                       Sam Barcroft, Brit-American Prjct [non-exec director]

45.                       Bark Tacho, Asia Pac grp of Trilateral Comm

46.                       Lady Elizabeth Barker, UK-Japan C21st Group

47.                       Kate Barker, Comm'n on the Single Market at CER [commissioner]

48.                       Zoe Barker, German Brit Forum [non-exec director]

49.                       Frank Barlow, The Economist

50.                       Ian Barlow, Arts & Business Ltd [hon vice-pres]

51.                       Sir William Barlow, Royal Academy of Engineering (president 1991-'96)

52.                       Prof Catherine Barnard, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]

53.                       Susan Barnard, German Brit Forum [secretary only]

54.                       William Barnard, English National Ballet

55.                       Rotem Koren Barnea, Moon Active Ltd [legal counsel]

56.                       Iris Barner, Lab Friends of Israel [events & prjcts coordinator May 2007-May '08]

57.                       Percy Barnevik, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board]

58.                       Roger Barnett, TerraMar Prjct Inc ['founding citizen']

59.                       Enrique Barón Crespo, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]

60.                       Yves Baron, Policy Network & Comms Ltd

61.                       Simon Barratt, Brit-American Prjct [exec c'ttee]

62.                       Oli Barrett, Brit-American Prjct [fellow]

63.                       José M Barroso, B'berg 2013

64.                       Lady Jocelyn Barrow, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]

65.                       Karen Bartlett, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]

66.                       Ivana Bartoletti, Fabian Soc [chair, exec c'ttee]

67.                       Brian Barton, Brit-American Prjct [exec c'ttee]

68.                       Dominic Barton, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm

69.                       Katinka Barysch, Centre for European Reform [member of advisory board; Dep Director; chief economist; Russia analyst]; Trilateral Comm [fellow]

70.                       Dana Baschová, Aspen Institute Central Europe [dep exec. director]

71.                       Oliver Bäte, Euro grp of Trilateral Comm

72.                       Malcolm Bates, Arts & Business Ltd [non-exec director]

73.                       Peter Batey [former PPS to Edward Heath], GBCC [chair; vice-pres]; Sir Edward Heath Charitable Fdn

74.                       Alan Batkin, N Am. grp of Trilateral Comm

75.                       Prof Dr Werner Bauer, Int'l Bertelsmann Forum 2004 [participant]

76.                       Richard Baum, 18-21 Wilmington Sq Management Ltd

77.                       Heide Baumann, German Brit Forum [board]

78.                       Peter Baume, Inter-Parliamentary Council Against Anti-Semitism

79.                       Nina Bawden, Britain in Europe Campaign Ltd [council member]

80.                       Matthew Bawler, RC School of Speech & Drama [non-exec director]