Maria Farmer was never raped by Jeffrey Epstein. She was inappropriately touched, grabbed when she was 27 years old. She left the room. Most women have been inappropriately grabbed many times. However, it is not rape. Because Maria describes herself as an “Epstein victim” many people mistakenly believe she was raped. Not so. Furthermore, her sister Annie, was also never raped. This is in the court transcript in the recent trial against Ghislaine Maxwell. She was cuddled by Epstein, at which point she too, left the room. The two Farmer sisters were never raped, nor “trafficked”. Trafficked means being given to another person for sex.
Below is an excerpt of Maria Farmer’s lawsuit (attorney David Boies) against Jeffrey Epstein’s estate. It cites “Battery” not “Rape”.
Examples of Maria Farmer’s Defamatory Statements
A few examples of some of the tweets and other defamatory statements Maria Farmer has made against me. There are hundreds of these. It began in May 2020 and has only increased in intensity as Maria has been able to enlist the help of other people: both known and anonymous.
This is an example of what Maria Farmer wrote to the host of a podcast I appeared on.
This is an example of the “articles” she had Johnny Vedmore & Whitney Webb “write for her” (as per her above-referenced tweet).
Johnny Vedmore initially posted this defamatory article about me on Medium here and then posted it to his website here.
Maria Farmer defaming on podcasts
I will be adding links to this section shortly.