Examples of Maria Farmer’s Defamatory Statements

A few examples of some of the tweets and other defamatory statements Maria Farmer has made against me. There are hundreds of these. It began in May 2020 and has only increased in intensity as Maria has been able to enlist the help of other people: both known and anonymous.

 This is an example of what Maria Farmer wrote to the host of a podcast I appeared on.


This is an example of the “articles” she had Johnny Vedmore & Whitney Webb “write for her” (as per her above-referenced tweet).

Johnny Vedmore initially posted this defamatory article about me on Medium here and then posted it to his website here.

Maria Farmer defaming on podcasts

I will be adding links to this section shortly.

Maria Farmer Troll Army (just one of many examples). In this one they accuse me of criminal behavior.


Followers commenting on Maria Farmer’s two-year defamation, harassment & terrorizing of me.


Now what?

While I sent a cease and desist letter (see screen image below) to David Boies on January 19, 2022 the only result was the removal of Maria Farmer’s twitter account @artisticblower…

…I am stepping it up and have hired an attorney. A few days ago, I began a Go-Fund-Me to pay for attorney costs. I hope this will finally resolve the issue.

If you can help, just click on the image below and you will be directed to my Go-Fund-Me page.


Donate over $100 and receive a paperback copy of my memoir The Billionaire’s Woman or Ghislaine Maxwell: An Unauthorized Biography - Your Choice!

Thank you!