Kirby’s Ask Me Anything of August 2, 2020
Do you agree with Maria Farmer that Epstein murdered many of his victims? If yes, do you think the bodies were buried on Epstein's island and Wexner's property?
I believe some of the victims were murdered. I would think these people had a variety of different ways to dispose of the bodies depending on the location.
What is Abigail Wexner’s role in this? I mean, she was there for a few Epstein years.
I have always believed Abigail’s role in this was to serve as a beard for her husband, Leslie Wexner, CEO Victoria’s Secret. Her father was also part of the Mossad.
I've thought of a question, what do you know about Epstein's childhood and background before he became involved in intelligence? The media nor that Netflix documentary doesn't shed light on this aspect of his life and it's like the public are missing a huge chunk of who he was.
From my research Jeffrey Epstein in his youth was not exceptional. He was a pudgy, awkward boy and teen. Certainly not the type who attracted the females. He took piano lessons. His parents appear to have been good middle class parents.
I am curious to know your insight on Alan Dershowitz’s, and Bill Clinton’s plan to defend themselves if they are mentioned in those unsealed documents? In other words what are they doing right now to plan a defense?
Men like Alan Dershowitz and Bill Clinton tend to lie. Nothing will change this until some of the photographs or videos are released.
Do you think Ghislaine was so deeply in love with Epstein that she brought him the young girls to make him love her and depend on her?
Based on my research, I do not believe there was any romantic involvement between Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. They were together purely for economic and job responsibilities.
You mentioned you don't think "the cabal will fall." Do you think it will be "injured" and that justice will come regarding many people in power now?
I believe we have collectively injured “the cabal”. The proof is Ghislaine Maxwell being arrested and in jail.
Who has the tapes after they were taken from Palm Beach Police Chief Mike Reiter? Is John Mark Dougan legit? Thanks.
The Palm Beach sheriff’s office maintained a copy of Jeffrey Epstein’s photos, videos; and the FBI kept a copy. It is my understanding that blackmarket tapes also exist. I believe John Mark Dougan is legit.
Why do you think Jeffrey did not tie up ‘loose ends’ such as Maria and Virginia?
First of all, Maria Farmer was kept running by both Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s death threats. We all believe this is probably why she has cancer. When Maria stepped forward, Epstein was already dead. With Virginia, she was able to escape a long time ago and was living in Australia with her husband and family. When Ghislaine Maxwell decided to start calling her a liar about her claims, Virginia filed a lawsuit. The Giuffre vs Maxwell lawsuit was in the public eye since 2015 until Maxwell settled out of court in 2017.
After Q posted about Pinocchio, I have been wondering a lot about the boys. The girls have been front and center, but were there boys, too? Boys who trafficked through Epstein/Wexner? The more I think about it, Abigail was chosen for a purpose?
I believe there were boys. One person comes to mind immediately. Ava Cordero was a boy who identified as a girl. She was one of the people who sued both Jeffrey Epstein and Leslie Wexner early on. Aside from Cordero, I believe minor boys were also targeted
Why does the public always help cover up the fact that Epstein was working on behalf of cia/mossad/mi6 to blackmail elite assets using sex slaves? why does everyone prefer the lone pervert narrative, even when it's shown & proven it was an intel honeypot?
Mainstream media is an arm of the intelligence agencies.
If Maxwell and Epstein got caught why Jean Luc Brunel is still at large?
Jean Luc Brunel is tied into some powerful people and is probably being protected. It was the public outcry and our keeping Ghislaine Maxwell’s name front and center that helped to get her arrested.
Why would the Israelis inform the CIA that they were blackmailing Americans and Europeans for political gain?
The CIA and the Mossad, are in my opinion, two sides of the same coin.
Could it be that Leslie Wexner was leading an American intelligent project (probably CIA), aiming to buy and blackmail leaders from all across the world?
Yes, but I would add also for MOSSAD.
Who’s at the very top of this? And what is the motivation?
The intelligence agencies for political power.
Why did staff of Maxwell and Epstein keep their activities a secret for so long? To just keep their jobs? Fear? Were some involved in the activities as well?
Just as the victims were afraid of these people, their staff were also afraid. I don’t believe it was just to keep their jobs, but rather to keep their lives.
Did you ever witness any trafficked victims who were either tricked in to enjoying the life, or actually enjoyed the life? If so, were these victims rewarded somehow for their willful participation? & what were some of those rewards?
No one ever wants to be anyone's sperm receptacle. Therefore, the answer is no.
How many victims do you estimate there were? From what countries? Did they murder any of the victims? Thanks for answering. You are very brave!
I believe there were thousands of victims. I believe many of these were murdered I believe these victims came from many different countries.
Will the cabal fall?
Regrettably, I do not believe "the cabal will fall".
Do you think there is a millennia’s old conspiracy War on Women?
As I wrote in one of the chapters to my book 'Jeffrey Epstein: Predator, Spy' I believe Wexner waged war on women & children. He was not, however, the first. Therefore, my answer is yes.
If you'd like to answer, understood if not: Who might Barr be directly accountable to, in your estimation? (Individuals, possibly within organizations, rather than organizations)?
Bill Barr has been in the past and continues to be accountable to the CIA and the Department of Justice; although he is meant to be accountable to the President of the United States.
How do we get the intelligence aspect (Israeli and domestic) out to people since MSM won’t print it?
Alex Acosta made the initial comment and we have been able to tug at those threads. We've done this by comparing the Jeffrey Epstein case to similar ones. To Craig Spence, for example; to Eli Cohen (a Mossad agent). That is why independent media is needed.
Kirby, what are your thoughts on former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, and his role in his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton?
This is a question that most people do not think of. Former Gov Bill Richardson appears to have helped Epstein gain access to nuclear secrets. Sound familiar? It should. Robert Maxwell did the same thing via the compromised PROMIS software.
How did Epstein manage to reel so many people in? I mean he pops up in photos with absolutely everyone. Why weren't more folk suspicious of his intentions?
In Jeffrey Epstein’s case his “backers” hired public relations firms to plant stories portraying him as an important “philanthropist”. These same PR firms in all likelihood invited him to events with powerful people; and then, of course Ghislaine Maxwell opened up her list of contacts to him as well.
Hi Kirby. Do you think the people behind all this, the head of the snake, will ever be exposed?
I believe it has been exposed.
My family's balcony on St Thomas overlooks Epstein's island, and iIve always been intrigued by the tunnels on that island. I'll leave this open ended, what information do you have on those tunnels?
Underneath Little Saint James is an old underground military base. We know Epstein and Maxwell had a submarine.
I have been researching the case. Maria stated that she saw Satanic artwork in Jeffrey Epstein‘s home. I do not know which home.
I believe Maria Farmer meant the mansion at 9 East 71st Street in New York City.
Does Ivana know something we should know? I hear she went schoolgirl hunting with Maxwell quite often way back when she was still married to Trump.
While Maria Farmer never said that Ivana “knew” what Ghislaine Maxwell was up to; it seems logical that Maxwell would have boasted about some of her exploits with Epstein. In my opinion, I believe Ivana knew.
Ronan Farrow and others have written about BlackCube stalking, harassing and threatening victims. Do you think they have been stalking you and if so, who is paying them?
I have been stalked by similar or same agencies for decades. My abuser has been paying these private investigators aka “spies”.
How tied into the Epstein saga do you think Bill Gates really is? I have a feeling it's much more than people know yet.
Not enough attention has been paid, in my opinion, Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein’s Artificial Intelligence connection. This is my thread of last year.
I haven't had time to pay attention (busy work week) but I did catch that the Ghislaine evidence will be released. Are you aware of an ETA, and who are the witnesses of whose evidence this is?
There is one week to appeal the decision – so the answer is ETA one week. The information being released is part of Virginia Giuffre’s defamation lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell (which was settled).
I want to know if there is still a chance for full justice if she dies before outing everyone.
I don’t believe any one of us knows the answer to this.
What do you think will happen to Epstein’s co-conspirators, like Sarah Kellen, Nadia Marcinkova, Adriana Ross, etc?
I believe they will get away with a slap on the wrist if we are lucky. They might be protected under Epstein's original Non-Prosecution Agreement unless Ghislaine Maxwell sheds additional light and implicates them in the current case against her.
Could your parents have done anything differently that would have made a difference in how you were lured into situation? I have a 16-year old daughter not trying to say your parents are at any fault I don't know your whole story yet, as just followed but will look more.
I wrote this thread earlier with your question in mind.